Chapter 3

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'Dear Cullen,

Thank you for your letter. Don't worry, I feel that the first few letters are always awkward. I'll answer your questions and then ask my own questions with my answers included.

1.) I'm 25-years-old.

2.) My favorite color is blue.

3.) My favorite snack would have to be BBQ flavored chips.

4.) My favorite flavor of coffee is a breakfast blend with peppermint creamer, but carmel is great, too.

5.) My favorite song is 'Sweet Creature' by Harry Styles.

6.) My favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas - I love the spookiness and stories of Halloween, and Christmas for the magic and wonder of the season.

7.) My favorite movie is 'Gone in 60 Seconds' as I love cars, especially fast cars, but I won't ever own one as I don't want to do anything stupid.

8.) My favorite quote is: 'The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.' I feel that this sums up life in a sentence.

Here are my questions for your with my answers included:

1.) Why does Connor live with you, and not your dad in Wisconsin?

2.) Do you have a favorite meal? Mine would be either lasagna or pizza. I would have to say my favorite pizza toppings would be mushrooms, green peppers, pepperoni, and sausage.

3.) Who is your favorite author, if you have one? Mine is Timothy Zahn - he writes science fiction books.

4.) Do you have a least favorite book, thus far? I haven't come across one yet, but I will let you know if I do. lol

5.) Do you have a favorite book, thus far? Mine would be 'Logan's Run' by Willian Nolan & George Clayton Johnson, and 'Anthem' by Ayn Rand.

6.) Do you like your job? I love mine, & I plan on staying until I can retire.

7.) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to have invisibility for my job, and in civilan life, too, I guess.

8.) Do you have a favorite superhero? I would have to say mine is Batman, but Thor is a close second.

I'm well & safe, & thanks for asking. :) Why is silver your favorite color? I have never heard of Louis Tomlinson, at least I don't think I have. I will make sure to check out his music when I have a moment. 'Save the Last Dance' is a good movie for sure, so good choice. Where is your favorite quote from, or who is it from? It is true in some sense.

If any of my questions are too personal, please don't answer as I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I promise I won't take it personally if you don't answer any of them. I'm not a big fan of Rap music either as my taste is usually hard rock, some metal, & oldies. When I am working out, I listen to metal music as it gets me in the right head space, and working out isn't hard. I love reading! I usually read science fiction & biography's, but I will read books that are suggested to me.

The snacks and ground coffee you sent Brown in his last care package are amazing, & I will admit that you are amazing at your job! Everything was phenominal, so thank you for sending enough for all of us to have.

I hope you hear from you soon! I am sorry to end the letter here, but I have to go on patrol now.

Lieutent Kingston Royce

P.S. Please call care Kingston instead of Lieutent Royce.'

Softly smiling at the letter as I fold it, and place it on top of the kitchen table before grabbing everything I need to write, and send his letter back to him. It is currently 1:30 a.m. on the morning I am picking Collin up from the airpot, so I figure this is the perfect time to answer Kingston's letter.

'Dear Kingston,

Hey! I'm happy to have gotten your recent letter! I didn't think you were the same age as Collin, so that is awesome! Blue is a pretty color! I love silver because on the right surface it reflects everything back, and it just strikes me as beautiful. I have never tried BBQ flavored chips, so perhaps I should give those a try. Peppermint creamer is my second favorite flavor choice for coffee. 'Gone in 60 Seconds' is an awesome movie! I can see your point on why Christmas is a favorite holiday to you. I agree on why Halloween is an amazing holiday! Your quote does have a lot of truth to it! My favorite quote is from the movie 'The Crow' with Brandon Lee in it, & his character says the quote, & I've always felt connected to it.

Here are the answers to your questions:

1.) Connor lives wih me because our dad thinks it's best for him to live with me in one place, and he doesn't have time for him.

2) My favorite meals would be either tacos or pizza topped with mushrooms & pepperoni.

3.) Currently my favorite author is probably Ayn Rand as her novels make me think, and freak out a little.

4.) Right now my least favorite book is 'Eddie and the Cruisers' by P.F. Kluge - the movie is great, but I had a hard time reading the book.

5.) My favorite book is 'Anthem' by Ayn Rand, too.

6.) I love my job! I work at the cafe with my best friend, Dean, & we've been working there for seven years now.

7.) The superpower I'd love to have is the ability to fly like 'Superman'.

8.) My favorite superhero is 'Superman', & he has been ever since I was a child.

Please listen to Louis Tomlinson when you have time as I feel he's fantastic! He was in a band with Harry Styles & three other men called 'One Direction'. I promise I'll send more goodies in the next package I send to Collin. I'm going to end this letter now as I need to head for the airport to pick up Collin.

All the best,


P.S. I love your first name as it's unique!'

Folding the letter in thirds, I slip it into the envelope, address it, and apply the postage. Getting to my feet, I keep the envelope in my hand as I gather my wallet, cell, and keys to leave the house. I wake Connor long enough to let him know I am leaving. I lock the door behind me with a loud yawn as I make my way to my black Jeep Lareod, and drive to the airport.

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