Chapter 7

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"Hey Cullen, there is someone at the door for you," Connor says while stepping into the living room where I'm sitting on the floor at the coffee table while doing paperwork for the cafe.

"If it's Dean or Markus, you know they can come in," I reply without looking up from the papers, so I miss the smirk that is on his lips.

"It's neither of them, but it is a guy," he answers, so I finally look up at him to see the smirk he's wearing on lis mouth.

Raising my left eyebrow at him, I question; "If it isn't either of them, then why are you smirking?"

"Just come to the door already, you will be glad you did," he sighs, and he becomes impatient with me enough to come over to pull me by the wrists to my feet.

"Connor, slow down, jeez," I say breathlessly as I trip over my feet in a rush to keep up with his fast-paced walking.

"Nope," he chuckles coming to a stop at the slightly closed front door.

He grips the handle with a wicked grin at me as he opens it as he says; "Say hello to Lieutent Kingston Royce."

I then make eye contact with the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen in my life. I fish mouth for several seconds before Connor and Kingston chuckle, and Kingston enters the house with a sexy smirk at me. As Connor shuts the door, Kingston places his duffle bag on the floor near the door.

Once he is standing upright again, I launch myself into his muscular body. We have video chatted a few times over the last couple of months, so we already know what each other look like. Kingston stumbles back into the closed door, thankfully missing the door handle with a small grunt. Burrying my face into his neck as I wrap myself around like a living blanket. Inhaling deeply, I take in his natural scent mixed with Axe body spray, and try to commit it into memory. Kingston tightens his hold on my thighs as he chuckles along with Connor.

Yes, my walls have been broken down by Kingston about being with someone in the military. He has made me feel safe, loved, protected, and desired, even with him being half way around the world.

"Hey baby," he chuckles softly into my right ear. "Surprise!"

Oh, yeah, we are dating, and have been for about a month now.

Kingston is dressed in a pair of dark blue jean, black combat boots, and a dark burgandy long sleeve shirt. He short brown hair is spiked, and man, he looks even more amazing in person than on video calls!

"Hey love," I murmur with a grin at him since he's only an inch taller than me.

I love that he is an inch taller than me, and his muscular frame makes me me feel safe, along with how he acts and speaks toward me.

"I'm going next door for a little while," Connor announces, and I blush that I've PDA'd with Kingston in front of my little brother.

Yes, I am aware he is 15-years-old, but you know what I mean.

"Is Morgan even home? You don't have to leave," I instantly reply looking over at him still snuggled in Kingston's arms.

"She's home, and she knows I'm coming over," he replies as Kingston drapes his right arm around my should to keep me tight at his side. "I know I don't have too, but I want you two to have some alone time."

"Okay. Why don't we go out to dinner tonight, the four of us if Morgan is up to it?" I suggest to them both with a hopeful smile.

"Sure, I'm good with that," Kingston agrees with a smile at me as Connor agrees, and that he'll ask Morgan.

"I'll let you know what Morgan says soon," Connor says as he walks out the door, and toward Morgan's house.

"Okay, thanks bro," I grin at him. "You're the best!"

He waves back at me as he shuts the door, and I focus on Kingston again,

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" I softly ask with a smile as we walk into the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry, but I wouldn't mind a glass of water, please?" he replies with a gentle smile.

Geeting him a cold water bottle from the fridge, I hand it to him while leaning up to kiss his plump, pink lips gently. He softly groans as he follows after my lips when I start to pull away.

"Baby, you are such perfection," Kingston murmurs before placing his forehead against mine.

"That would be you, my love, not me," I whisper before lightly pecking his lips.

"Your house is lovely - it's very welcoming and warm," Kingston compliments as he looks around, so I give him a tour before we settle in the living room.

"What were you working on before I showed, baby?" he asks noticing the papers, pens, highlighters, and a laptop sitting on the coffee table.

"The books for the cafe," I tell him as I snuggle into his side as we sit on the couch. "I do them every week to help out since the others don't like doing this."

"You are truly an amazing person," he murmurs kissing my left temple, and I can feel his smile on his lips.

Blushing, I burry my face into his peck as I mumble; "Thanks, but I'm not. I just enjoy working with numbers."

"Have you thought of becoming an accountant?" he softly asks as he lightly runs his fingertips over my arm raisng the skin behind each swipe.

"I have, but I don't want to be chained to a desk all day," I murmur. "I like being on the floor with the customers, or in the kitching baking and cooking."

"I can understand that, and I'm sure everyone who visits the cafe loves your cooking and baking," he whispers as he gently squeezes me to his side.

"Mmm, I hope so," I reply as my phone dings with a text from Connor.

Reading his text, I quickly reply before telling Kingston; "Morgan wants to go to the cafe with us for dinner."

"Awesome, so what are we doing before dinner?" he asks with a sexy smirk, and a wiggle of his brown eyebrows.

"Um, we can do whatever you want," I shyly reply, but I'm completly turned on.

"Lock the doors, he lustfully growls as he pulls us to our feet.

Quickly rushing to lock the doors, I know we are about to do something fun in my bedroom, Going back over to him, I take his right hand in my left, and lead him to my room. Now, I'm not going to share the juicy details, but let's just say that was the best sex - no love making I have ever had in my life. I've had sex before with two past boyfriends, but Kingston definitly knows what he is doing.

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