Chapter 10

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"Hey Connor, I'm going next door to check on Morgan," I tell my brother while rubbing my stomach, who is at the kitchen table doing his homework with Tyler and Harris.

It's Friday evening, and the twins are staying the weekend. Morgan is nine months pregnant, and I'm eight months pregnant. I have been making it a habit to check in on Morgan several times a day now that we are further along in our pregnancies.

"Do you want me to check on her this time?" Connor asks while placing his pencil on top of his paper as he starts to stand.

"Nah, thanks though. I need to stretch my legs anyway," I reply with a grin as I gently push the baby's foot back inside my body since it is pushing outwards.

"Okay, but be careful," he says with a frown as he sits back down.

"I will be, don't worry," I promise him with a smile as I waddle, yes I'm waddling now, toward the front door.

Waddling over to Morgan and Collin's house, I knock on the front door before entering as I call out; "Morgan, are you home?"

"I'm in the kitchen, Cullen!" she calls back, and I smile as I make my way into the kitchen.

She's making herself a snack it looks like of a turkey and cheese sandwich with all the fixings, and a glass of tea, even though we are having dinner in about an hour, but I get it.

"Hey mama, how are you and my nephew today?" I ask as I kiss her on the cheek.

"Hay papa, Jace and I are good. How are you and my nephew?" she grins at me before kissing my cheek in return.

Giggling as we waddle over to the table so she can eat; "Gage and I are good, too. I'm tired of being pregnant though, but I have still have four more weeks to go. I don't konw how you are so cheery at nine months along."

"I know I'm definitly ready to meet Jace, even though Collin won't be here for his birth. I have the two best people to fill in for him, and he will be home in a month, so that helps," she replies with a smile before taking a bite of sandwich with a soft moan of appreciation.

Giggling at her until I have a sharp searing pain slice across my belly. Hissing, I clutch the edge of the table with my right hand as I hold my belly with my left.

"Cullen, what's wrong?" Morgan worriedly asks from across the table from me.

"Contraction," I whimper as it ends, and I breath deeply while standing up to leave.

"Okay, we're going to the hospital now," she firmly states as she stands, too, her food forgotten.

She wraps her right arm around my waist as we walk toward the front door, as she asks; "Where are your bags?"

"Those are in the hall closet. Gage's diaper bag, and my duffle bag, Connor knows where exactly," I softly reply as another contraction starts.

Whimpering, I grib her hand that's resting on my hip, and we stop until it ends. We finally make it out to my Jeep, where she helps me into the front passenger seat before heading inside my home. Five minutes later, she returns with Connor, who is carrying both hospital bags, Tyler and Harris, and they climb into the back before Morgan quickly drives us to the hospital.

Connor and Harris help me carefully walkinside, as Morgan waddles along with us, and Tyler runs inside to get someone with a wheelchair. He return with a nurse with a wheelchair when we are about fifty feet from the entrance. Sitting down, the nurse pushes me inside, and into a birthing room with the other four in tow.

"Where is the other parent?" the nurse asks handing me a hospital gown to change into with Connor's help.

"He's in the Army, and is stationed over in Iraq currently," I whimper as a new contraction starts.

"Who is going to be in the room with your for the birth?" she asks as she helps me onto the bed, as she then starts to hook me up to monitors, and other stuff before checking where my dilation is at.

The nurse is named Margo, according to her badge clipped to her pink and blue scrub top.

"They can all stay if they want," I reply while breathing througth the pain.

"We'll stay over here in this area," Tyler says for himself and Harris as they drag two chairs over to the corner of the room where they can see my southern region.

Margo leaves after everything is settled and checked with a promise to check on me soon. Connor takes my phone to text Kingston at my request to let him know what's happening since my water broke while I was changing. He texted Kingston that if he can video call later when I'm pushing, and if he can't, then Connor will record everything and send it too him when Gage is born.

Eight long hours later, the baby has finally been delivered, and Connor ended up recording it since Kingston couldn't video call. Gage Kingston Royce was born at 1:03 a.m., and he weighs nine pounds two ounces, and is twenty three inches long with a headful of brown hair. He is the most beautiful and adorable baby that I have ever seen in my life, and I know I am biased.

Once Gage and I have been settled into another room where we will be until we are discharged. I manage to convience Morgan to take the three boys home to rest at home instead of here.

"I promise we will be okay alone, you guys need to sleep home instead of here," I assure them with a tired smile when they start to argue as I give them a tired smile while Gage sleeps chest to chest with me.

"We will be back first then when visiting hours start," Connor assures before kissing me on the temple and then Gage. "We will bring breakfast from the cafe, too."

"Thanks, and I appreciate everything you guys have done for us," I yawn as they leave, and my phone starts to ring.

Answering Kingston's video call quickly with a tired smile at him, and I make sure he can see both Gage and I; "Hi baby, meet your son Gage Kingston Royce."

"Hi, there are my two beautiful boys," he softly replies with a teary smile. "How are you both doing?"

"We're good, and he's healthy. He weighs nine pounds two ounces, and is twenty three inches long, " I reply.

A half an hour later, we're ending the call so I can place Kingston in his portable crib, so I can sleep since I'm exhausted, and Kingston has to go on patrol. Neither one of us wanted to end it, but we had too. By 9 a.m. Connor, Harris, Tyler, and Morgan are back as promised with breakfast from the cafe. Everyone takes turns cuddling with Gage, and this goes on for about three house until Morgan's water breaks on her way to use the bathroom.

Pressing the nurse's call button, who enters about a minute later and instantly notices Morgan, who is taken to another room, so she can deliver Jace. I send Connor and Harris with her, so they can be there for her. Four hours later at 4 p.m., my nephew Jace Lee Brown is born, and he weighs eight pounds ten ounces, and is 22 inches long with a headful of dirty blond hair.

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