CHAPTER 1. this is me trying

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almost 2 years before that letter (12-17-58)

                         "this is my younger sister, Ginny."
Ah yes. Chet's younger sister Ginny. i hated being in the shadows of Chet. When Chet got thrown out of Welton, my parents pitied him. When I get a C on my test, I get grounded. I try not to cry about it too much. I go to a great school, so i shouldn't be getting C's . i mentality sighed at my irritation and focus on who my brother was introducing me to. she was real pretty. she had short blonde hair that was pulled into a low ponytail. she had on a pink dress with a matching headband. she held out her hand.

"i'm Chris." she smiled. she was gorgeous. my heart fluttered as i shook her cold hand.

"hi, chris!" my parents appeared from behind me. they then took the gorgeous blonde's hand and shook it for themselves.

"hello mr and mrs. danburry!" she smiled. Chris had been dating Chet for a few weeks now, and this is our first time meeting her. she'll be staying for dinner. i couldn't understand this feeling that came over me. it this jealousy? maybe not jealousy. i can't exactly pin this feeling, but whatever it was, it was new.

"would you like some help in the kitchen?" Chris offered to my mother.

"oh don't be silly." my mother chuckled.

"i'll just get ginny to help me. You stay put, alright?" My mother offered her a seat on the couch. my mother, then, motioned me into the kitchen. I helped set up the table. we were having stake and potatoes. i kept eyeing the living room to catch small glances at the blonde. she would occasionally laugh at my father's jokes and then go back to answering questions my father had lined up for her.

"Ginny?" my mother snapped. i quickly turned my head and continued to put down the plates full of stake and potatoes before helping my mom with the platter full of veggies.

"alright, dinner is ready!" mom shouted as she brushed off her dress.

everyone was enjoying their meal. i watched my fork drag along the greasy meat in front of me.I was not paying any attention to what was being said. chris sat across from me. mother sat next to me. Chet next to Chris and my father at the end of the table.

"Ginny's a sophomore at Henley hall." My mother bragged.

"mom." I said quietly.

"i'm also a sophomore !" Chris smiled. I gave her a small smile back. man, chet likes younger women. Chet was a year older then both Chris and I. it's was a thought that stuck with me all dinner. It made me cringe for some odd reason. seemed quite boring after that. i stole a few glances from the blonde across from me. other than that, dinner continued the way it normally does. Chris left shortly after. another successful evening.

winter break is coming up shortly. all the girls at Henley hall are quite thrilled. I didn't really have friends at Henley, so i had the joy of walking home alone every single day.but this Friday afternoon was particularly snowy, so i gave my mom a call.

"hey, mom."
"hello, Ginny."
"do you think you can pick me up?" i shivered inside the phone booth . my left arm grew tired from holding up my school books.
"i'll ask chet." her mom said. Chet got home before i did. my school was farther than ridgeway. plus, Chet had a car.
"Where are you?" chet's voice snapped from the other side of the phone.
"I'm in the phone booth right in front of the drug store." my teeth were chattering. Chet wasn't a horrible person. he did get easily irritated though, but he's not bad.
"alright. Stay inside and I'll be there shortly." he sighed.
"alright." it was so cold i could see my breath. the line went dead. i put the phone back on the hook and walked into the brightly lit drug store.

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