Chapter 3

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*warning! Rape is in this chapter along with death!*

"He's never coming to get you Mai," my father said before I felt a painful sting of electricity start from my lower body to the rest.

I screamed in agony as the pain swept through me.

They had pushed me into a tub of water and held me down under until I nearly drowned. I didn't know how to swim so there was no need to hold me down but the man that held me underwater wanted to feel like he was in control. Now here he was, with my father feeding off of my pain.

"Not Akio," Father said and instead of shock waves it was a bat hitting me where the guy had shocked. "He's not even your cousin! Imagine that."

I fought back tears as the man kept hitting me. Over and over and over.

"And not your little Zuko," father continued to taunt me.

Another voice came to my head.

'Do it.' It said, 'do it.'

Do what? Who is this?

And then the man hit over and over.

Do it.

Over and over and over and over!

"He never loved and if he did he won't now. Look at you-"

'Do it. Do it.' It said almost chanting it.

And the man kept hitting.

Over and over and over!!

"Your a monster."



"Just like me."

'Do it!'


'DO IT!'

"NOOO!" I screamed and I felt- cold, " Quite hitting me!"

I turned and looked at the man. He was your average guy. Brown hair and eyes. I watched as his skin went pale and his eyes widened.

"W-wait-" he pleaded but never finished. I didn't want to hear his excuse or his begs. I wanted him to die. So he did.

'Yes! Yes!'

I saw a black mass come in front and behind him.

First it struck him in the back and when he screamed it went through his mouth, killing him in seconds but I didn't stop.


I kept stabbing him with my powers. I watched as I kept stabbing him, tell he was no more than holes and his blood covered me and the walls.

'You did it.'

You could barely tell he was human afterwards.

'You killed him.'

I stayed there hanging and panting as I stared down at him then my fathers words hit me.

Your a monster. Just like me.

No. No. No! No! NO!!

I screamed as I looked at this man. I killed plenty of people but never like this. I screamed and screamed tell the point I nearly blacked out.

My father had some how appeared by the man. Father kicked his body and the mans arm fell off. If I wasn't so tired I'd throw up.

"Not bad," father said, "but you can do worse my dear. So much worse, we just need a little more practices."

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