Aizawa hates the way the past month has turned out for him. Double patrols, prepping for a new class, and the number two hero was dead.
Apparently, officials have figured everything out. They know most of the story about how Todoroki Shouto killed his father, Todoroki Enji. The public is angry, furious even. They didn't sign up to deal with the death of a major hero. Some are mourning, some are preparing for the worst. Some say that they felt indifferent to it after hearing Shouto Todoroki's story. It's why he's here actually. Aizawa was called to a meeting and the only explanation given was that it was about Shouto Todoroki.
And Nezu had approached him with this... this plan to save this kid. It was horse shit.
"He's a murderer, Nezu." Aizawa furrows his eyebrows. "UA is a hero school. He doesn't belong in a school made for people who are training to catch people like him."
Nezu sets his tea down. "It was already proven to be self-defense. The boy's injuries that night could've been fatal, he was trying to survive."
All Might folds his hands together. He was in his skinny form, face wrinkled and tired. "You should've seen him that night, Eraserhead. He looked sick just listening to me. It's a miracle we didn't set him off. He's powerful."
Nezu hums in agreement with All Might and Aizawa thinks this is some kind of trap. "Which is exactly why I think we should hone this power. We can teach him how to perform good actions with his quirk, he can save millions just as his father did."
Aizawa sighs, pinching his nose with his right hand. "And even if I agreed, who's to say he wants to be a hero? And aren't they still looking for a foster family? Nobody wants to home a murderer. No normal civilian is stupid enough to even consider."
"If he attends this school, one of our staff can house him. It would be most ideal."
"Then why my class? Why not B class?" Aizawa really doesn't want to have more on his hands than he needs. There's already a student who's been attacked by a villain and his friend (also attending his class) meddled with it.
"We both agree Vlad King wouldn't fit the role. He's very brash, and Todoroki Shouto has some less than ideal memories of towering men that order things from him." Nezu is just sitting there like the thought of letting this kid... this murderer into Japan's top hero school.
Aizawa doesn't foresee this going his way, so he slumps his shoulders in defeat. "Fine. But the minute he does anything stupid he's out." Aizawa points a thumb to his left to signal the statement. "And I'm not doing any paperwork on anyone's behalf but my own."
So, he did paperwork. A lot, but keeping to his promise, Nezu ensured it was only pertaining to him. Which was a nice afterthought.
Aizawa looks at the clock for the nth time this morning. He's on high alert, even though deep down he knows nothing will go wrong. A protection officer will be here, All Might is sitting next to him, Nezu in a chair to the left of him, everything should be fine.
"Are they running late?" All Might seems genuinely worried. Aizawa knows it's because he can't keep the form up forever. He's sitting skinny now, but he's staying vigilant so he can switch quickly.
Aizawa is left wondering what's taking so long as well. He briefly wonders if the Todoroki boy had attacked the officer, tried to escape, and he wonders if the boy had succeeded. Maybe he was off to murder someone right now. Aizawa almost wished it was himself.
There's a knock on the door and Nezu grants their permission to come in. First to walk in is the protection officer All Might hired to stay with Todoroki. It was mandatory until he had supervision. So the two have been living near the station until they can find a permanent home for Todoroki.

The King is Dead
Fanfiction"All Might kneels, his shadowy face staring into Shouto's eyes. Shouto doesn't stare back, instead, he looks at his blood-covered feet. He thinks about the bruises underneath his sweatpants, the burns that nobody but him has seen. All Might waves hi...