Midoriya's mother seems nice. Iida's as well. The latter left early to go see Iida's older brother, Ms. Midoriya is still here though.
He doesn't know what to do with himself. It's so awkward just sitting in bed, occasionally looking at the food the nurse left for him. She told him that with how much he weighed and the amount of blood he'd lost he was lucky he didn't need a transfusion. It couldn't have been that bad though.
Midoriya and his mother are talking with Iida now, Todoroki is half tempted to walk out of the room to give them privacy. He's sure they won't want a villain eavesdropping on them.
But getting up after all of this time would be even more awkward. He just knows. His phone is next to him, maybe he could read the news. His hands feel too shaky to hold it though, dropping his phone would be even more embarrassing than leaving.
It's help from the gods when his phone starts vibrating. He half expects it to be Hizashi maybe it's father...
"Hello?" He gets up, taking this as an excuse to leave.
"You're alive! Jeez, you're weak if you had to let someone shorter than you do all the work!"
Todoroki rubs an eye. "Mineta?" Does this mean he has a friend now? Does he want a friend? Mineta mentioned that he wouldn't hang out with him at school, do friends not do that?
"Duh! Who else. You're stupid! Katō told me how you got held up by Stain."
His father used to berate him like this. It was unwelcome, it always brought back horrible memories of being beat while his mother was forced to watch, while Fuyumi covered Natsuo's ears in the living room so he wouldn't hear the cussing and each kick that landed.
But when it was served with a lisp and with so much confidence that didn't really belong? He kind of felt comforted by it.
"Was it scary?! I bet you pissed your pants!"
Todoroki sighs. Going from not talking at all to talking about boobs and pissing pants is a drastic change. One he isn't sure if he likes.
"No. I didn't. Why do you have my number?"
"I put it in your phone the other night, does your brain work at all?"
Todoroki can hear Mt. Lady in the background yelling at Mineta now. Asking questions and ordering things from him. Mineta doesn't bother with a goodbye, just hangs up mid-complaint.
He finds no reason not to return to the hospital room. A nurse might find the untouched food and ask the others about it. He doesn't want them to get preached at about nutrition or whatever.
The room feels filled when he enters, it smells familiar and-
"You absolute idiot! First, you go and off someone, and then you injure a villain under illegal circumstances!" Aizawa is walking from the back of the room over to Todoroki. Todoroki wants to run. He wants to hide and he wants to be hit never see anyone again.
He ducks his head down when Aizawa is face to face with him. The hit will be inevitable, better the top of his head than his face. People can't see bruises through hair.
"I'm not gonna hit you! What were you thinking?!"
Hizashi is there too, holding a cup holder with three drinks. "Shouta-"
"No! We can't baby him because he got beat on! He has to learn the right way!" Aizawa looks like he wants to snatch Todoroki's phone but decides against it. "After today, no more ice cream." He crosses his arms.
"Okay." Todoroki nods. He isn't sure what will happen next. Or if he wants to be hit. "Is this.. the punishment?"
Aizawa heaves out a sigh, slumping over. "Yes, Todoroki. I know it seems like nothing but just act like a good kid. They'll send you to prison if you step out of line again. I'm serious," he looks up, making eye contact. "I'll never hear the end of it from Hizashi. Please just be a good student."

The King is Dead
Fanfiction"All Might kneels, his shadowy face staring into Shouto's eyes. Shouto doesn't stare back, instead, he looks at his blood-covered feet. He thinks about the bruises underneath his sweatpants, the burns that nobody but him has seen. All Might waves hi...