I sat at a cafe outside one of the possible Shie Hassaikai hideouts. I'd been tracking them all over the city but had yet to find any leads. It had been two days since the meeting with the League and Shigiraki had yet to contact me. Looks like he decided against not taking action. Probably a smart idea, it wouldn't be bright to go against those with the same interests. I also had reasons to not go against Kai. I know what he said the other day was irrational but I had hopes if I talked to him again maybe I could convince him to work with me. I looked up and saw two heroes passing by they seemed to be on the young side. Probably a few years younger than me I'm guessing they were on their internships.Suddenly a little girl ran out of the alleyway and bumped into one of them. She was wrapped in bandages. She reminded me of myself at least she was in good hands now. I looked back down at my coffee and then up again when I heard a familiar voice in the distance. I looked up to see Kai approaching the kids. What the fuck. It was too far to hear what they were talking about but by looking at his expressions I could tell he was trying to play it off as if the little girl was fine. I looked at her she was trembling, shaking. My blood boiled. So this is why he didn't want to work with me. He had no intention of killing my father when they were one and the same. A part of me was trying to desperately convince myself that maybe he hadn't done anything to the little girl. Maybe he was just an accomplice but that wasn't any better.
The tall student noticed that Kai wasn't just anyone and tried to get his friend out of there. The smaller student was hesitant he knew something wasn't right. Suddenly he signaled for them to follow him. Oh no. I stood up and crossed the street and followed. I won't let him kill some innocent kids because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. When I reached the other side of the road I looked down the alleyway to see the girl had returned to Kai's side. Kai and the girl walked further down the alleyway and the students stopped to have a conversation. They headed my way and walked out into the open. I held my breath and then turned into the alleyway. To my luck, Kai was gone along with the girl. Fuck. How did he get out of here so fast? There seem to be no entrances or exits. He must be using his quirk. I gave up and headed back. I only had a few more days before Mori was going to send me back to work.
I walked back to my apartment today had been wasted and I was tired I needed to actually take a break. I walked into my apartment and laid down on my couch. I hadn't had the luxury to just relax for the past week. But even if my body was relaxed my brain wasn't. I thought of what I had seen today. That little girl. Who was she and why was she with Kai. I know it couldn't be his daughter he was far too young. I had heard the Shie Hassaikai boss had a daughter though maybe it was her child. Then why would she be bandaged up? And on top of that terrified. There was definitely something going on but I didn't want to accept that Kai would be capable of doing something like that. After everything, I'd told him about my experience he wouldn't turn his back on me and do the things my father did to me to that little girl. Right?
The Next Day
I scrolled through my laptop looking at private planes coming in and out of the country hoping I could track down my "father". Suddenly my phone rang I didn't recognize the number but then my mind flashed back to the other night when I'd given Shigaraki my number. I picked up the phone and brought it to my ear.
"So you did give me the right number" I recognized it was Tomura.
"Why wouldn't I. Anyway you thought about my offer"
"Yes I did and I think I'll be taking you up on it"
"Is that so. What prompted that" I was curious
"I met with Overhaul today and although it seems as if he's willing to work with us there's bound to be trouble as he has no intention on working for our equality"

GHOST - Dabi x OC
FanfictionRin Yumma is an assassin working for a company in Musutafu, Japan. Her complicated past keeps her from leaving and having her own life. But in reality she doesn't know what she wants in life. Every week is the same that is until she meets a certain...