Chapter 5 - Intubation

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Beep. Beep. Beep. That bloody alarm does my nut in. I smacked down and it shut off. I climbed out of bed and got ready for work. Lexie and Mark already left to go to work I think. I did my usual routine. Make coffee and go. I know what a routine that is. 

I got to work and got ready. I walked down to the OR board to see what time my surgery was for the inoperable tumour. It was scheduled for 1pm and it was just gone 8am. Chief has given me the morning to prepare and Shepherd has the rest of my patients today. "Ah Axwell" Webber shouted towards me. "Hi Chief" I replied. "Ready for your big day today" He questioned. "Yeah.. lots of pressure" I responded with a smile. "You will be great" He squeezed my shoulder and walked away. 

I walked to the nurses station by the main foyer. I saw Lexie, Robbins and Yang standing there talking and reading charts. I approached them. "Hi guys" I said smiling. "Ah the woman of the hour" Robbins shouted. I laughed at her antics. "OMG" Lexie screamed. "What" I questioned. "Is that Elizabeth Olsen" she asked the group. "OMG it is" Yang shouted. I turned and saw her. She looked amazing today. Her hair was pulled back by her sunglasses. She noticed me and smiled. "I will be back" I happily said to the group. "Wh- what is she doing" Robbins asked. 

I walked over to Lizzie. "Hey" I said to her. "Hey I have been looking for you, I got lost, this is a huge hospital" she stated. "Yeah it is huge" I laughed. "I did say I would come and see you didn't I" She stated. "Yeah... Yeah you did" I smiled. I looked over and saw Lexie, Arizona, and Christina with their mouths wide open. I laughed. "What you laughing at" She asked me. "My friends over there, they know who you are, and are surprised that I am talking to you" I pointed to the girls. "I have an idea" She giggles. I quirk an eyebrow. "Let me kiss you" She asks. "I would love that" I smile. She slowly pulls me in, I put my hands on either side of her cheeks and I pull her closer to me. Our lips slowly meet each other. Her hands wrap around the back of my neck. We pull away for some air and kiss again. Once we pull away. We both smile. She giggles at us. "That was-" "Incredible" She finishes my sentence. 

I look over to see the girls and Meredith, Callie and Miranda are there. I laugh as they stare at us. "Do you want to meet them" I ask her. She nods. I start to walk over and she grabs my hand and intwine our fingers. I rub my thumb on the top of her hand. We approach the others. "Lizzie this is Arizona, Christina, Meredith, Lexie, Miranda and Callie" I point at them. She smiles. They stand there looking at her in awe. "This is - " "Elizabeth Olsen" Christina finishes off like a massive fan girl. "I love your movies, especially in Marvel" Christina rambles on. "Yang" I say. She shuts up. 

A intern walks up to us. "Erm... Dr Axwell" the intern scaredly says. "Yes" I reply back sharply. "I have a patient and I don't know how to intubate them" they state. "Ok, what do you want me to do about it" I point out. "Can you show me" They ask politely. "Fine, what room" I ask. "Room 2231" They mention. "I will be there" I say. They walk away. "You know they call you satan" Robbins says to me. "I don't see what I do that scares them" I laugh. The group laugh and Lizzie looks at me. I sigh. "I better go and see what the problem is" I say. I kiss Lizzie and walk to the room 2231. 

I approach the room and see a group of interns trying to intubate a patient. "Does anyone here know how to intubate a patient" I shout. They all shake their heads. "First lay the patient flat on their bed. Then get the laryngoscope and put it into their mouth, grab the endotracheal tube that fits through the throat if it is too big grab a smaller one. When sliding down be careful. Then grab the baggie and attach it to the tube and you have then intubated your patient." I explain as I intubated the patient. I finished and walked out to see the chief. "Webber" I knock on his office door. "Come in" he replies. "Chief, I just had to intubate a patient because the interns do not know how, so I was thinking once a week the residents sit in the lab with their group of interns an teach them basic skills." I offer. "That is a great idea" He says proudly. "Oh also, can I have Elizabeth Olsen watch my surgery" I ask. "Elizabeth Olsen is here" He questions. "Yeah, we are kinda dating" I smile. "Ok, just do not get distracted and make an announcement about the interns and residents before you surgery." He smiles. "Yes sir" I smile and leave. 

I walk back to the nurses station and everyone is there talking to Lizzie. "Guys do you not have surgeries to do, instead of harassing her" I laugh. "Surgeries were cancelled to watch yours" Meredith points out. "Of course they were" I sigh. "Those bloody interns are useless" I say and the group laugh. I then run up on the stairs. "Can I have all the interns and residents here please." After 10 minutes all the residents and interns are waiting in the main foyer for you to begin. 

"Ok, I know the interns are at the bottom of the surgical food chain, I know we may not like them, I know they can be annoying. But just remember we were all once an intern. We had teachers that taught us things. The things we learnt then make us a better person and surgeon today. Residents, I know you all are eager to get into surgeries, but remember you become the teacher as soon as you have your interns. It is your responsibility to teach them things. Today I had to intubate a patient, because the interns didn't know how. I know some of it wasn't their fault as they were not taught it. This shows to me that the residents are not teaching their interns. So, with all what I have said, me and chief have discussed that once a week all the residents will sit in the lab and teach the interns basic skills. You will sit in the lab for 2-3 hours and will start with how to intubate a patient. Thank You" I say and all the residents and interns grumble at me. 

I walk back to Lizzie. "That was some speech Axwell" Shepherd told me. "I learnt from the best" I laughed. "Now Miss Olsen, would you like to watch my surgery" I ask her. "It would be my pleasure" She laughs back.  

Lizzie Olsen and Dr AxwellWhere stories live. Discover now