Chapter 14 - Work again

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Lizzie POV: 

After me and Theo had our little moment Scarlett came and walked up beside me. She had a smirk on her face. I know what that look is, I have seen it before. 

"She is good you know" Scarlett says to me whilst staring at Theo who is playing with Rose and Charlotte. 

"She is great, I love her so much" I smile from ear to ear. Theo is one of a kind. I don't even know how I got her, but I did and I am so thankful she is in my life. 

"Who is Charlotte to her" Oh no, this question. Well I don't really wanna go down through the long story, so I will just quickly make a short one. 

"Theo had Charlotte's dad as a patient but he died and she had no one to look after her, so she was going to be adopted or fostered through the system, but Theo decided to adopt her there and then" I smile, remembering the look on Crow's face when she wanted to adopt her. 

"Wow, can I fall in love with her" Scarlett laughed and playfully nudged me."But she is good for you Lizzie, I haven't seen you this happy in a while, and I am guessing I can thank her for it" She adds. I look towards Theo, yeah she makes me so happy. 

"Yeah, she treats me like the queen and makes me extremely happy" I smile. Scarlett comes and gives me a hug. 

Theo POV: 

I was playing with Rose and Charlotte, when I noticed Lizzie and Scarlett looking at me whilst talking. Must be talking about me. Oh well, but all good things I hope. Charlotte decided to push me to the floor and sit on me, the rose decided to do the same and they started jumping up and down. Man they made my stomach feel weird.But I didn't mind, they are kids and kids like to jump on adults for some reason. 

Whilst being jumped on, I started to hear my phone vibrate in my pocket. I hope I don't have to go into work. I like having days off, but I think we all do. I saw it was Lexie. Wonder what she wants. I stand up and walk over to a quieter place.

"Hi Lexie what's up" 

"We have a head trauma in" 

"Ok, what you got" I say knowing if I need to go in or not. 

"A woman came in, but in her scans we found a tumour on her optic nerve" Great now I will need to go in,just when I was having fun. 

"Alright, I will be there as quick as I can" I sigh and end the call and lower my head. I look over and Lizzie has a concerned look on my face. I slowly make my way over to Scarlett and Lizzie. 

"Work just called me, I have to go in, I am sorry" I hate leaving people when I need to go to work. Plus it is my bloody day off.

"It is ok, we understand" Scarlett smiled at me. 

"But I wanna see you at work" Scarlett added which made me look at Lizzie but she just shrugged her shoulders. 

"Ok, if you bring Rose, I can get the plastic surgeon to check the stitches for you" I say, knowing Sloan will have a good look at them. 

"Yeah sure, well let's get going" Scarlett says whilst going to get Rose and letting the others know what is happening. 

"I am sorry, this always happens when I have a day off" I apologize to Lizzie.  "Hey, I don't mind, you are saving lives" She says and kisses me. I kiss her back and then hug her. 

"Charlotte, we have to go to the hospital now" Charlotte nods and runs up to me. I put her jacket on and we walk out to my car. Lizzie is sat in the front with me. Scarlett is sat with the two children in the back. I noticed a call was coming in from Lexie again, so I put it through the bluetooth. 

"Lexie, what's wrong" 

"She is slowly going down, her vision is getting worse, the tumour looks like it has grown since the last scans." Lexie rushes out. 

"Alright, I know Shepherd is away at the moment, but what I need you to do, is take her in to the OR and get ready because I am doing the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach" I say making sure I can just get straight in there. 

"Your not cutting" 

"No need to, just get her ready I will be there soon" I end the call and continue driving. Everyone looks at me confused. 

"What" I ask them focussing on the road. 

"What is Endoscopic Endonasal Approach" Scarlett asks me. 

I look through the rear mirror "Getting the tumour out through the nose" I say and they all have weirded out faces on. I laugh and continue driving. 

We finally reach the hospital. I get out the car and run into the hospital leaving the other behind. But Lizzie kind of knows her way around. I run through the hospital and change into scrubs before running to the OR. I finally reach it and go in. Everyone was waiting for me. 

"Sorry guys, traffic was bad, I got here as fast as I could" I say whilst getting my gloves on. 

I start the surgery. These surgeries don't take long. You just have to know how the use the equipment. I finally located the tumour. I grabbed it and started to pull out the tumour through the woman's nose. I got it out. Everyone started to clap, I thanked them and went and scrubbed out. Wilson then walked in. 

"Could you show me the family please" I ask her. She nods and I start to follow her out into the waiting area in the foyer. I notice that Scarlett, Lizzie and the kids were watching me. 

"Mr Sharp" I ask them man. He nodded and stood up, he had two teenagers next to him. 

"I got the tumour out, your wife will be fine, the recovery should go smoothly. Dr Wilson here will take you to see her" I say with a smile on my face. 

"Thank You, Thank you" He says pulling me into a hug. I laugh and return the hug. Wilson then takes them away. I then see Sloan and Lexie together of course. 

"Oh hey, how did it go" Lexie asks me. "She is fine and recovering now" I smile, she nods. "Oh Sloan, you see that young girl there with the dressing on her head" I point over to Rose. 

"Yeah" He says slowly. 

"Well I had to stitch up her head, could you look if I did alright" I ask him. 

"You know your stitches are always good" He says to me, so I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he finally gives. 

We walk over to the group. He introduces himself and asks Rose if he can have a look at it. She nods and he takes a look. 

"Well Axwell, your stitches are superb" He says looking back at me. 

"Oh my a compliment from THE MARK SLOAN that can't be true" I say pretending to faint. I hear laughs around me. Lizzie is just shaking her head and my silliness. 


Sorry for the boring chapter, didn't know what to write aha. 

Love you nerds. 

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