Chapter 29 - Hello?

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Lizzie's POV:
"Hello?" My head whips around to the door (whilst still gripping onto Theo's hand), that has been partially opened to see an elderly woman stood there, she has the same facial features as Theo, just a different hair colour.

"Hi?" I say just above a whisper to the unknown woman. She slowly enters and shuts the door again for some more privacy again. I'm still stood looking at her confused as to who she could be.

"I'm sorry do you know Theo?" I question the woman, looking back at my love, still on the bed. Her chest rising and falling is the only thing telling me she is still alive.

"I'm her mother and you are?" She reaches her hand out for me to shake which I accept as I stand up. I can tell that she is a very formal woman and doesn't like to show emotions too much.

"I'm Lizzie, Theo's girlfriend" I state offering a small friendly smile as I sit back down again. She has a shocked look on her face once she hears who I am to her daughter and I can tell in her eyes a slight hint of disgust but I push that aside and try and get along with this woman.

"How long have you known my Theo for?" Gosh she really does care about her daughter if she is asking that instead of how her daughter is. "About 6 months now" I say still holding a smile for her to let her know I'm no bad guy.

"Right, and you do know that she is the best neurosurgeon there is" She boasts Theo like I don't know who she is, but I let it slide. "Yeah I do, she is amazing" I smile back at Theo remembering how great she is at her job.

"Good, how is she?" she finally questions me, as if she really cares for her daughter. "She is, well how do I put it, not in the best shape, she moved her hand in the accident which caused it to have more damage, she needs the breathing tube and her cuts along her face and that's about it" I list of getting upset again at how the woman in the bed is.

"She will be fine she is an Axwell and we always get better" she says with her head held high and turns and walks towards the door.

"I will be back with her brothers tomorrow" She states and walks out and shuts the door, leaving me alone again. What a woman! Now I know why Theo didn't say much about her family, especially if they are all like that.

"Hey baby, I have just met your mother, I wish it was in better circumstances but the world did this to you so yeah. I also now know why you don't speak much about her and keep your family life private to yourself. I miss you so much, everybody at this hospital is in absolute pieces, I, they need you to get better. Little Charlotte needs her mama to wake up so we can live the life we have always wanted." I press a kiss to her forehead, being careful of all the wires and cuts.

I sit back down in the chair holding onto her hand, wishing and hoping she would just squeeze my hand or even make her heart rate change so I know she is ok.

I also need to tell the marvel group so they understand what is happening, but I might just tell Scarlett to let the others know as I don't think I can emotionally right out 20 billions texts letting them know what happened to Theo.

Scarjo (Natty that did the jumpy)

Hey, I need you to pass this onto everyone else but, Theo and Charlotte had a car accident this morning . Charlotte has a concussion but other than that she is ok. Theo is in a worse shape , she has a breathing tube down her throat, metal rods in her head and loads of cuts everywhere. I need you Scarlett. xx

Wow, Lizzie, I'm so sorry to hear that, of course I can pass the message on for you. I will be at the hospital in an hour, I'm bring food, drinks and clothes for you ok, no need to fear Scarly is here xx

Thanks girl, that was cringe never say that again. I will see you shortly xx

I'm so glad I have a best friend like Scarlett. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I lean forward to speak to Theo as I have to see Charlotte.

"Bye baby, I will be back shortly with Scarlett, I need to check on our daughter, I love you darling" I kiss her head one last time before walking out the door and heading to Charlotte.

Hey guys, I'm back, I'm so sorry again I haven't posted in ages. Life is hard and I'm struggling again. Nothing I can't handle I guess. I thought I owed you this chapter.

I love you nerds.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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