Chapter 26 - Cars

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So, its been awhile. After I met Lizzie's family which was brilliant by the way. They just loved the Axwell charm. Kidding. Anyways we decided to have a family day that consisted of films, snacks and pjs all day long. That day was amazing and I love my girls so much.

Anyways it's now the morning after, I am still so fucking exhausted but I can't miss another day in the lab with Derek, so I forced myself out of bed and got Charlotte ready for nursery. Lizzie is currently snoring her head off, so it's easier for me to leave and not have an entire speech about overworking and how I should be careful when I drive because of my exhaustion and having Charlotte in the car with me.

I start to pour some cereal in bowls for me and Charlotte to eat. She wanted the dino crunch ones and she wanted me to have the same. I couldn't say now to those big blue eyes could I.

"I finish" I hear Charlotte next to me. "Well done, go and grab your shoes and bag, whilst I clean up ok" I tell her lifting her off the stool. She nods and runs up to her room whilst I clean the mess we made this morning. As I was drying my hands I hear small feet running towards me

"Help pwease" I giggle down at the girl holding her shoes with a little pout. I nod and help her put them on.

We finally make it into my car. Charlotte is securely fastened in her seat and I am in mine. We start our journey to the hospital, but it is taking longer than expected because there is a lot of traffic. I tried to leave on time but I think I'm going to be late.

Charlotte requested the Cars song, so I put that on for her. We were still moving slowly in this horrific traffic. We finally got to the traffic lights and was just waiting for them to turn green. Charlotte decided she now wanted thunderstruck by AC/DC on as she watched the planes film. I laughed at her through my rear mirror at her doing an air guitar solo.

The light changed green and we were off. We were just through the intersection, when I heard a shit ton of beeping. I looked to my left and before I couldn't even react a massive impact hit the car we went tumbling.

I think the car came to a stop, but to be honest everything is a little fuzzy. I think I'm upside down, I don't know. I try and adjust my eyesight and rub my eyes but I notice my right hand is stuck. I try to move it but scream out in pain. Shit. That fucking hurts. Fuck Charlotte shit, she is on the same side as me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck

"Ma'am are you ok" I try and find the voice but I can't see for shit. "M-M-My daughter, p-please" I struggle to get out. "The emergency services are on there way. Stay still ok. Your daughter is still breathing ok" fuck Lizzie is going to have my fucking head.

"I-I" I try and say something. "Don't try and talk" I nod, I see a vague flash of blue and red and that's it before the darkness took my eyesight over.
Lizzie's POV

I was peacefully sleeping, in my warm comfy bed when I started to hear my phone ring. I don't look at the caller ID and just answer it.

"What, this better be good" I say groggily trying to wake up.

"Lizzie, it's Lexie, you are needed at the hospital, there was an accident" I hear Lexie say over the line and she sounded shit.

"What, what do you mean an accident, what happened" I rush out, please please please tell me they are ok.

"It's both of them, just come here as quick as you can ok, and try and stay calm" Lexie tells me before ending the call.

Please tell me my loves are ok.

Welp. That happened.

Also sorry it's been a hot minute. A lot of family shit when down lol.

Anyways. Love you nerds.

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