Chapter 9 - Home

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Once me and Lizzie got to my place, I set up the guest bedroom for Charlotte. She was cuddled up next to Lizzie on the sofa once I finished up the room for her. Seeing Charlotte bond so quickly to Lizzie was cute. I think Lizzie has a soft spot for Charlotte. I hope things will go alright tomorrow with social services, as I know they are horrible. I walk over to the two and sit down next to them. It was only half 6 and I was hungry. "Who wants pizza" I announced. Charlotte's face lit up and started to dance around. Must be the best news she has heard in a while. Lizzie and I laughed at her silliness. "Ok, ok, miss munchkin what pizza would you like" I asked the very excited Charlotte. "Eroni" She struggled to say. I smiled at how she said that. "That is my favorite pizza as well" I laughed. I called the pizza place and got two pepperoni pizzas for us three. "Ok, so the pizza should be here in 30 minutes" I shouted.  

"Charlotte, do you wanna watch a film" I asked her. She nodded drastically. "Lizzie you ok to put the film on, I need a shower" I kindly asked her. " Of course, go smelly" She giggled. " Ok ok, at least I am not rotten" I shout to her as I walked to the bathroom. I got unchanged and made the temperature of the water really hot. I climbed into the shower. I sighed at the relief that the shower was giving me. I lowered my head and let the water slowly trickle down my back. I took and deep breath in and out. Today was a horrible day, it started lovely but ended terrible. My surgeries at the moment are horrible I thought to myself. I got caught up in my thoughts and didn't hear the knocking on the door. "Theo, you ok in there" Lizzie questioned me. "Erm yeah, I am just getting out" I shouted back. "Ok the pizza is here as well" She told me. "Alright thanks" I replied back. 

Once I changed into an oversized hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. I headed into the lounge and saw Lizzie and Charlotte munching on the pizza.  "Err who said you can have some" I joked. "Lizzie, said" Charlotte ratted out Lizzie. I just laughed at the two. After we ate the pizza, Charlotte put on another disney film, and of course it was Frozen 2. Charlotte cuddled right next to Lizzie. She put her head in Lizzie's lap and Lizzie played with her hair. Just watching them two come so close in a short amount of time, and over horrible circumstances was nice. Charlotte probably won't get close to me just because I basically killed her dad. Lizzie saw me thinking hard as when I do I frown and stare at one thing. That one thing at the moment was the Pizza boxes on the coffee table. "Theo..." Lizzie called me. No answer. "Theo, you ok" She called me again. "Huh- what" I answered in confusion. "You were staring into space" Lizzie stated. "Oh yeah, I am fine" I quickly spoke back. "You can always talk to me you know that" She reassures me. "Yeah I know, thank you" I reply. 

The film had finished and Charlotte fell asleep in Lizzie's lap. Lizzie fell asleep on my shoulder. I carefully got up and laid her head back on the sofa. Slowly, I picked Charlotte up and carried her to the spare room. Once she was tucked in, and cuddling her bear, I left the room quietly, not to disturb her. I walked back to the living room and noticed Lizzie was still fast asleep bless her. I decided to pick her up bridal style and carried her to my room. She was already in comfy clothes so I put her in the bed and pulled the cover over her. Then I climbed in next to her and just stared up at the ceiling, thinking again. As I was staring I notice some movement next to me and looked down and saw Lizzie put her head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my stomach. Feeling her next to me, put me at ease. 

Tomorrow is gonna be a hard day. 


Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted anything I have been ill. I am slowly getting better. 

What do you think should happen with Charlotte. Let me know in the comments. 

Love you nerds. 

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