You get his number

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The queue was almost a mile long, and there was no way you could get to the front very quickly. You were being pushed around by the other thousands of girls begging to meet the boys, and one girl pushed her way through just a little too violently. You went tumbling and fell away from the line into the road. With a busted ankle, all you could do was hope someone saw you and decided to help you. Luckily, someone did.
It was Luke Hemmings. The real Luke Hemmings.
You were dumbfounded as he grabbed your hand and took you away from the crowd, simply waving at the other girls screaming his name.
"Are you okay?" He asked, wiping at some scratches with a tissue from his pocket.
"Oh. My. God." Was all you could stutter out, and he chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
"Look, everyone is leaving now. Were you here with someone?" Luke was caring, and when you shook your head no, he arranged for you to stay on the bus for a while, until a taxi could pick you up.
"Thank you so much, Luke," you said, as he helped you up.
The two of you spoke for a while, and when the taxi showed up, he handed you a piece of paper. You opened it, and it was his number.

You were out with some friends, shopping, when your best friend, Y/BF/N froze.
"Y/BF/N? Are you okay?" You asked.
"That's Calum Hood. Oh my god!!!" She whisper yelled.
You looked over, and saw him, chiseled cheek bones and ripped vest. Calum.
You walked over to him, not drawing too much attention, for his sake, and said,
"Calum, we love you so much! Can we have a photo?"
He smiled and you posed for the photo. You were struggling not to cry, you had just the boy who you'd only ever known as your lockscreen. As you were turning away, you felt someone slip something into your back pocket. On it, it had Cal's number, his name, and a cute smiley face. You screamed inside, and looked back at him, giving you a goofy smile through the other girls surrounding him.

It was a Saturday night, and you were at a house party that was pretty rubbish. You were barely tipsy, and decided to keep yourself secluded from the dancers and party games.
Apparently, there were some famous musicians here, because the guy throwing the party's dad owned a record label. No one really knew who it was yet, though.
Then, across the room, you spotted some familiar coloured hair. It couldn't be. Could it? The hair started coming nearer, and it had a face. Michael Clifford's face. You were shocked and got butterflies as you realised he was approaching you.
"Hellooo" he slurred, as Calum followed him, looking a bit less intoxicated.
"Michael!  You can't just saunter up to a girl at a party and start making a fool of yourself. You're drunk!" He warned, and you giggled.
"Don't worry. I've had worse! Big fan, by the way! I'm Y/N" You introduced yourself to Calum, not sure if Michael was aware of anything.
"Y/N! That'sssss a pretty nameeee!" Michael announced, making you smile.
"Thank you!" You yelled over the music.
"Michael, let's get home. You're too drunk to know what you're saying." Calum said, raising an eyebrow.
"Am I drunk enough to get Y/N's number?" Michael was making no sense.
"You're drunk enough for anything, man. But that made no sense."
"Too late!" He amused himself as he wrote his number down in sloppy handwriting on a napkin, and then handed it to you. You smiled, maybe this party just got way better.

You were lay in bed, sick, and checking through all your social media sites.
You had a popular 5sos twitter account, and all of your followers knew how much you wanted your favourite, Ashton, to follow you. You scrolled through twitter, and saw that the hashtag #ashfollowY/N was trending. You smiled and rested my phone on the bedside table. You decided to sleep until you heard your phone blowing up with notifications.
Was the basis of most of them.
He actually followed you. You couldn't breathe. Then, you saw a DM come through. From Ash. You opened it as quick as possible to see a long paragraph written to you:
"Hey Y/N, I spent a long time going through your feed, and the things you say about me and the boys are so sweet and hilarious! I just want to say that you are the best, and if I got your number maybe we could chat even more? Ash xoxo
You were smiling so wide that your jaw hurt, and you did not hesitate at all to give him your number. You could not believe this!

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