He's insecure

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"Michael? Are you coming outside? My family wants a photo of us." You asked him, as he lay on the couch avoiding any cameras.
"I'm not feeling well, sorry Y/N. Give your parents my best wishes." He said as he raced upstairs, running his hand through his electric blue hair.
You ran up after him, knowing something wasn't right.
"Mikey? There is something you're not telling me, love. Why don't you want to have your photo taken?"
He huddled into himself and began to go red.
"Mikey. Talk to me, babe."
"I don't want to have a photo taken! I hate it! Next to you, next to the boys, next to anyone as good looking as any of you! All the girls flood for Luke, Calum and Ash. You're absolutely flawless. I'm average with stupid hair."
You were shocked at what he said. Did he really think he wasn't good enough to have his photo taken?
"Oh, babe. You're are the most perfect person I could ever dream of. You're so cute, but you're also hot as hell! If anything, we're inferior to you. I love you so much the way you are, no matter how stupid your hair is! Don't ever change, Michael. Please." You kissed him on the forehead and grabbed his hand.
"Now come on."
The two of you emerged down the stairs together, and took an amazing picture.
"I love it, Y/N. I love you." Michael said, and he picked you up, pulling a silly face at you. Another snap went off and you giggled, neither of you cared, you were happy.

You knocked on the door of you and Calum's house, as you'd forgotten your keys, and Calum took a while to answer. Finally the door swung open to a rather distraught looking Calum.
"Cal? What's up?" You asked him, resting your palm on his shoulder.
"It doesn't matter. Do you want a drink?" He shrugged, but you persisted for an answer.
"Yes it does. I deserve to know, maybe I can help you."
"I'll never be as good as Luke." he rushed the words out, in hope you didn't hear correctly.
"Excuse me?" You asked again, confused as to why he said that about a boy who had previously broken your heart.
"Luke has everything. He has a better voice, he's got great hair, he's really good looking. It hurts having to pretend I'm his best friend every day. I can't just keep acting like I am not jealous, and I know you still like him."
"Calum! I would pick you over him any day! He blew me off like a fly on his shoulder, and you were there to catch my fall. You're perfect, Hood. Don't ever compare yourself to him again. You are not like him."
"I love you, Y/N. More than anything."
"I love you too, Cal. Don't ever be so hard on yourself again. Okay?"

It was a really warm day where you lived and Luke was visiting you on his break from tour.
"Hey, do you wanna go in the pool? It's way too hot today." You asked Luke, watching him sunbathe in the almost unbearable heat.
"Nah, I'm good. Aussies know how to take the heat, babe!" He joked, but his smile wasn't genuine.
"Come on, you're practically melting over there! Just get in, Luke!" You slapped his arm playfully and tried to drag him to the pool in your garden.
"No. I don't want to, Y/N! Just respect that, won't you?" He yelled. This wasn't normal Luke, and he wasn't speaking his mind.
"Lukey? Why are you getting so defensive?" You shrank into yourself, slightly scared of him, towering over you in a horrible state. He quickly realised how far he took it, and that he got angry with you for nothing.
"Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lash out it's just...I...I'm not as chiseled as the other guys, my ribs stick out and I'm weedy thin. I look 13 when I'm shirtless, and I don't want you to think I'm ugly." He curled up and his cheeks turned pink, as if he were about to cry.
"No, babe. I would never think that. I respect your insecurities, but I would never judge you for your body. I'm sad that you can't trust me enough to let me see you completely, but everyone has what they want to cover up. I have to conceal spots and blemishes every day, but I'm confident around you, so I share my cleansed face with you. It just takes time. I adore you whatever you look like, Luke Hemmings. I really do."
"You're the best, Y/N. Thank you for understanding." he said, as he grabbed you by the waist and shoved you into the cooled pool.

"Morning, Ash." you said, as you woke up and caught his hands in yours.
As you ran your fingers up his forearms, he winced slightly, and you turned them over hastily.
"Oh god, Ash. You cut?" You began to sob, and rested your head on his shoulders.
"No, they're scars, my love. From years ago. They just don't fade." He reassured you, playing with your hair.
"Don't lie to me, Ash. When did you stop?" You knew that these were more fresh, and needed the truth from him.
"Last month. Before I came home. I wasn't on good terms with the boys, I missed you loads and my drumming was much worse. I was in a bad place, Y/N. Never again.
"Oh, Ashton. I'm so sorry, I wasn't there for you, and I should've been. I love you so much, don't ever do anything like that to yourself again. You're perfect, and you don't need to change for anyone."

Sorry the Ashton one is short!
I decided to go down routes that would relate to real life, like Michael being called ugly by Abigail (um no he's not), Calum just generally being told he isn't as good (when he's amazing!), Luke not wanting to be shirtless, and I'm really sorry for bringing all the Ash stuff up but it was my only idea, I can't imagine someone so fab being insecure.
If you've read this all,
Ily lots,
E xo

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