Your first fight (Luke)

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Luke had gone to pick up some things he left at his parents' house, leaving you and Michael together. You two had spent a lot of time together on tour, and you were really close, but sometimes you could feel Luke getting a bit awkward about things between you.
"Shall we bake something for Luke?" You asked Michael and he lifted his arms up in joy.
"Yeahhhh!" He yelled and you pulled out your recipe book.
"Let's decorate it all cute." Michael twirled a bit of his short hair and struck a feminine pose. You giggled and pulled out the ingredients. The thing about you and Michael was that you messed about a lot.
Halfway through icing the cake, piping
"I love you Luke!" on it, Michael piped a little splodge of buttercream on your nose.
"MIKEY!" You screeched and he laughed. You grabbed your piping bag and iced a line down his forehead. He wiped it off and licked it.
"Not bad." He smiled and you gagged.
"Gross!" You screamed and he chased me around. You slipped on the tiles and he fell beside you. You both laughed until your sides hurt and it wasn't until Luke was coming through the door that you realised that you hadn't put his name on the cake.
You were still lay by Michael and tried to pick yourself up.
"Hey, babe!" You hugged him, and he didn't wrap his arms around you.
"Um, hi." He sighed and ran upstairs.
"I think I'm gonna go. Seeya, Luke. Bye Y/N." Michael said and hugged you, waving at Luke from the stairs. He didn't say goodbye, but came downstairs to close the door.
"We baked!" You smiled and he went over to see the cake.
"Great." He grumbled and I sat down.
"What's up with you?" I frowned and he sat next to me.
"You. And Michael. You're obsessed with him." He said moodily, and I tried to get closer to him, but he stood up and walked away.
"He's my best friend, Luke!" You defended yourself.
"No! He's my best friend who has a massive crush on my girlfriend! Why should I be okay with that?" Luke yelled and you cowered away as he walked towards you.
"He does not!" You yelled back and he came closer. He was angry, and it scared you a lot.
"Do you not care that we both just slaved over the oven for something nice for you? Are you that ridiculous?" You raised your voice louder and he stepped closer.
"Get rid of it." He growled.
"You know what? I will!" You cried and picked up the cake.
"Because I don't love you anymore, Luke."

Part 2 will be up by tonight English time at the latest. I'm literally going to write it straight after this.
Love you all,
-E xo

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