Ash defends you over Calum

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You and Ash were childhood best friends, and he wanted to bring you on tour, so you could spend loads of time together. They were already half way through the European leg of the tour and you wanted to surprise them in the weirdest place possible, one that the boys would never think of. So you caught a plane to Ireland, because Ashton loved the fact that he was half-Irish.
Little did he know, you weren't going to surprise him only. You also wanted to see your long-term secret boyfriend, Calum. No one knew because the boys weren't allowed to have publicly announced girlfriends, and you felt a bit awkward with the situation, seeing as Ashton was like your brother, and Calum was like his brother.
The only person that knew was Liz, and she had snuck you into Ash and Calum's shared hotel room to wait for them.
After a few hours, you heard girls shouting outside.
"I love you, Ash!" you heard.
"Marry me, Cal!" Even though you knew Cal was solid with you, you still got jealous. Would the fans still be as vulgar if they knew you were dating?
They must've taken two vans, because no one was shouting for Michael or Luke. You knew they were coming up so you prepared to jump out from the en suite bathroom. You were in there for a few minutes until Calum's laughter was audible through the door.
"So you don't miss her?" Ashton asked.
"Nah, it doesn't make a difference if she came or not." Calum chuckled. This was about you, and it wasn't good. Firstly, you were meant to tell Ashton together, and secondly, he didn't miss you? Did he even like you? All the I love you's, I miss you's. Fake.
You weren't going to come out. You were waiting until they left to come out.
"I don't know, man. It seems wrong, like you should tell her." Ashton sounded more serious now, and at least you could trust him.
"Whatever. I'm gonna grab a shower." Calum said and your breath hitched. I had no where to go except the other door to Michael and Luke's room. That would be difficult to explain. You had to stay in here. He had to know you heard everything. You sat on the cold slate tiles and looked up as the door opened.
"Y/N?" Calum gasped and reached out to pull you up. You looked up at him with teary eyes.
"I heard every word." You stated and ran out, into Ashton's arms. You began to sob into his shoulder, leaving a mark of mascara on his grey vest.
"It's ok, Y/N." He stroked your hair and held you tighter.
"God, Cal! You're such a prick!" You heard him whisper-shout to the boy who just broke your heart.
"I knew I was older but there isn't that much of a gap in maturity. Get the hell out of here, Cal." Ashton issued him out and the door slammed.
"Shh, you're okay now, Y/N. I love you, baby." He whispered in your ear and kissed you on the forehead. You leant back to look at him and your tears started to slow.
"I love you too, Ash." You spoke softly and he pulled you in for a kiss.

I literally can't right now. Writing this gave me so many feels wow.
- E xo

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