Asanoya: Something Starting

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After Asahi graduated high school and was part of Karasuno's volleyball team no longer, Nishinoya was upset beyond reckoning. His receiving had gotten so inconsistent and there was a practice game the next week. His team has no idea what to do.

It had been three weeks since Nishinoya had last seen Asahi, and it was taking a major toll on him, to the point where he would forget to eat and his sleeping schedule was destroyed.

Finally something that the whole team had been fearing and anticipating happened, when he missed practice one day. They were worried that he would drop out like the last time Asahi had left the team.

Asahi missed Nishinoya almost more then vice versa, but was so caught up in his temporary job at coach Ukai's store that he had a very hard time finding enough time to visit Nishinoya, but he was determined to find the time to anyways.

Finally the day Nishinoya's missed practice, Asahi along with Sugawara and Daichi was seen by the rest of the team, running to them. The moment that he was within earshot, Tanaka and Hinata ran up to them. Hinata smothering Suga in a strangling hug and Tanaka rubbing his knuckles on the top of Daichi's head.

"Where's Noya?" Asked a concerned Asahi.

"We don't know, he didn't come to practice today.." Said Yamaguchi, walking up to converse a little.

"Oh" Asahi replied with a worried tone. "Listen, I would like to catch up with you guys, but if you don't mind I think I'll go check up on Noya."

"Oh, that's fine, I think he'd like that." Ennoshita agreed.

Asahi ran off, dashing to Noya's home. He knew how Noya could get so discouraged by these changes, and was concerned that that was why he had skipped practice.

Once Azumane reached Nishinoya's home, he knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so he let himself in quietly.

"Noya? Are you doing alright?" Came the voice of Asahi.

Nishinoya was asleep in his trashed room, a few empty ramen cups and lots of candy wrappers everywhere. When Asahi stumbled into his room, he smiled exasperated at Nishinoya's lack of self care.

Asahi sat himself on the edge of his bed and shook him gently by the shoulder.

"Hey noya, wake up." He said softly. Noya opened his eyes to a squint and looked up at Asahi. Then who it was hit him and he sat up in bed, flinging his arms around Asahi's shoulders and squeezing as tightly as he could, though it still wasn't enough to hurt Asahi cause of his size.

"It felt like I was never gonna see you again." He mumbled, muffled through Asahi's shirt.

Asahi smiled a little and patted Nishinoya's head awkwardly. Nishinoya raised his head and beamed up at Asahi, all traces of the low feeling that had been building up vanished. Asahi had to look away from how bright Noya's face seemed to him.

"So now you're here, whatcha want to do?" Inquired Nishinoya excitedly

"Ah... We could go to a movie?" Asahi suggested. Nishinoya laughed.

"So what you're saying you want to take me on a date? Oh- kidding kidding!" He giggled after seeing Asahi's scarlet face and terrified expression. "Yeah, a movie would be good. There's a new horror that's gotten good reviews, you want to see that one?

Asahi agreed immediately even though he hated horror. He was still flustered from what Noya had said. His impromptu decision was deeply regretted three hours later when he walked out of the theatre, shaking and jumping at every little sound while Nishinoya laughed heartily at him.

"Do you need to hold my hand liddle Asahii?" He asked in a mock baby voice.

"Wouldn't mind if I did" mumbled Asahi under his breath, before realizing that Noya had heard. Instead of all the awful scenarios that had immediately manifested in his brain however, Noya just laughed and grabbed hold of Asahi's hand, then continued talking and walking as if this was something everyone did.

Asahi's worried stressed and anxieties seemed to disappear as he felt Nishinoya's fingers intertwining with his own so comfortably. Although Asahi's hand was of such a larger size then the libero's, it still seemed as if it fit perfectly.

"-and Tanaka just WHAM! smashed it down on inarizaki's side, it was amazing! You remember that Asahi- hmm? Hey Asahi? Asahi aren't you hearing what I-" his words faded off as he looked up to see Asahi's face more relaxed then he had ever seen it before. He smiled gently and have Asahi's hand a small squeeze.

"Huh-? Ah, sorry sorry Noya, I zoned out for a bit." Asahi said nervously.

"I noticed, silly. Anyways , I'm getting tired, will you carry me back?" Nishinoya asked, though he wasn't really tired. He wanted to see Asahi's reaction. He was noticing a few telltale sign's that excited him. Even if he didn't act awkward or nervous, he definitely had a thing for Asahi, although he would be the last to admit it.

Asahi agreed, blushing lightly and leaning down for the younger boy to climb onto. Nishinoya however, instead of climbing into Asahi, have a jump onto his back, throwing him off balance. Asahi stumbled and fell, quickly shielding Noya from the fall, turning to protect Noya with his arms around him.

There was a moment of silence while the two looked up at each other, Noya sitting on top of Asahi. Then Noya started laughing.

"Y-you're hilarious! You protected me when you fell even though there was almost no way for me to get incredibly hurt. You're adorable!" He grinned and pinched his cheeks while Asahi blushed.

"No, you're adorable!" Asahi retorted before thinking about it, then smiled amusedly at Nishinoya's surprised face, before he promptly began the typical 'no you are' argument, neither of them bothering to move their position.

"It all makes sense now!" Said a familiar voice from nearby. The two playful teenagers whipped their heads around.

"Why Noya was so upset this year-"

"Why Asahi was getting poor grades on every one of his assignments-"

"-and why Asahi's only concern when he got here was Nishinoya."

"They're dating then!" Suga concluded, while Tanaka nodded along. The flustered younger boy jumped off of Asahi and immediately began denying it.

"Well not yet" came the surprisingly calm voice of Asahi. Nishinoya whipped around, and Asahi could easily say that he had never seen him that flustered before. Then what he had just stated hit him and he jumped to his feet, flaming red. Tanaka and Sugawara took this as their cue to leave.

"I didn't-" he was cut off by Nishinoya laughing once again.

"I- I can't believe you just said that!" He laughed harder , but to Asahi's surprise there wasn't even a hint of malice on his face.

"That's the boldest thing I've ever heard you say!" Beamed the excited boy as he managed to calm himself a little.

Asahi was frozen in spot, so Noya walked over and took his hand and began leading him back to his own home.

Asahi didn't speak a single word before he fell asleep, on Nishinoya's sofa.

Noya who was also rather exhausted from his previous lack of rest snuggled up under Asahi's arm and spoke softly with his eyes closed.

"I like you to, you big softie."

Asahi smiled vaguely.

This was way longer than I originally intended lol! Hope you enjoyed! :3
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