Ignored, part 1/3: Kuroken

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So before we begin, let me explain this to you. It's basically a three part story with different characters. I'll post all three parts at once, so sorry if by the time this gets out it's been a week or two. Btw, this short series is REALLY REALLY angsty, but it has a good ending. In terms of trigger warnings, there's pretty much nothing except for way to much crying lol. Love y'all! <33

Kuroo loved Kenma very very much. It's undeniable. He also knew that Kenma loved him very much as well, it's just that they expressed it different.

One thursday he opened his phone and saw he had been added to a chat.

Poor ignored Boyfriends

Thegerm- oi, I'm not that ignored

Prettiestsetteruwu- yes, the current state of this one. He's still in denial, stage one

Asgoodasagame- my kitten doesn't ignore me thaat much...

Prettiestsetteruwu- this one is also in denial, stage four

Asgoodasagame- what's this chat for anyways?

Prettiestsetteruwu- ah, ofc. I have a challenge for you

Thegerm- This doesn't seem good

Prettiestsetteruwu- dw, it's good

Asgoodasagame- doubtful

Prettiestsetteruwu- shall I continue?

Thegerm- fine

Prettiestsetteruwu- so you have to admit, non of your boyfriends give you very much attention and things, right?

Asgoodasagame- sure, but I love him how he is

Prettiestsetteruwu- it would still be cute if they initiated something, no?

Thegerm- what would they be initiating?

Prettiestsetteruwu- idk, a hug, a kiss, cuddles, saying I love you, anyways your challenge is to not initiate anything until they do. That means no cuddles, kisses, hugs, holding hands, touching in almost every way basically and see if they notice.

Thegerm- does not sound fun

Prettiestsetteruwu- no?

Thegerm- no

Asgoodasagame- I'll do it, but if my kitten gets upset, it's your life on the line Toru

Prettiestsetteruwu- liFE- that's a bit drastic, no?

Asgoodasagame- no

Thegerm- fine I'll do it, but same thing as Kuro said. Your life

Prettiestsetteruwu- finee 🙄

Kuroo set his phone down. This was going to.be difficult.

Kenma didn't spare him a.glance for the next half hour, he was intensely playing games; but by the time half an hour had passed, Kuroo.stood up.

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