LevYaku: Differences

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Lev gazed dreamily at Yaku, watching as he skillfully seemed to fly across the floor to receive the ball perfectly and smiling at his own accomplishment. Lev was snapped out of his daze however, when he got hit hard in the forehead with a ball. Oh right, I'm on the court too.

Luckily it kept the ball in the air at least.

Yaku laughed at him; "Nice receive beanpole!"

Lev smiled slightly. Despite having just been hit in the face with a ball, seeing Yaku laugh always made up for anything, even if he was the source of the laughter.

He stood back up and was trying to assess what was going on, when Yamamoto came flying past him, spiking the ball down on the opposite side. He could hear Kuroo, on the other team, grumbling in dismay.

The time seemed to disappear suddenly, and he next found himself picking up volleyballs, his mind clouded with thoughts about a certain someone.

Speak of the devil, he felt a smack on the head and an angry Yaku's voice yelling; "C'mon hurry it up. Move those ridiculously long ass legs of yours!"

Lev did as he was told and after another give minutes they had finished tidying up the gym.

"Yaku?" Lev asked once everyone else had left.

"Mm? Whatcha want, beanstalk?"

"You're my best friend, right?" Lev asked, though he knew full well that they were dating.

"Excuse me? No the Fuck I'm not and you know that perfectly well. I'm your boyfriend, dumbass." Yaku glared at Lev.

"You sure?" Lev asked. He knew that they were, he just wanted to talk about something that has been bothering him.

"Yeah...? Why, are you going to break up with me or something?" Yaku said, confused.

"Nono, of course not, sometimes it just doesn't seem like it to me. You're always yelling at me and kicking me and stuff just cause I'm tall and dumb. Do you not like how different I am from you?" Lev got it out of his mouth and he sighed inwardly, relieved.

They locked up, and started going back to Yaku's house.

"What? No of course not! And what do you mean different?" Yaku said, toning down the frustrated voice a bit.

"Um, well obviously hight. Plus, you're good at volleyball, and honestly, I suck. And you're smart and I'm always having trouble with that stuff, and how you're the mom of the team and I'm all immature, is that all what's bothering you?" Lev blurted out.

Yaku sighed. "Listen, I didn't know you took all that seriously. I don't have any problems with any of those things, I like you the way you are. It's just..." Yaku mumbled something incoherent at the end of his sentence, looking down embarrassed.

"Mm? What was that last bit?"

"Uh, just that... I don't know how to show affection very good. And sadly enough, that was my uneducated attempt at flirting."

"You consider name calling and kicking flirting-"

"Better then your awful pickup lines atleast, right?" Yaku rolled his eyes.

Let giggled. "Oh c'mon they're not that bad, plus, you like it!

"Maybe a tiny bit." Yaku admitted.

"Hm, since I know you don't mean any harm by it, I suppose it's okay if you want to keep calling me beanpole." Lev smirked slightly. "But then I'm calling you small sempai."

"Whatt?! Why that of all things?!" Yaku shrieked, not in favour of the nickname.

"cause you're my sempai, and you're small." Giggled Lev.

Yaku mumbled something with an annoyed look on his face. "Mmont call you eanpull nymore..."

"What-? I did not understand that." Lev said.

"I said I won't call you beanpole anymore, but you're not allowed to call me "small sempai". Okay?"

"Fine." Lev grinned and leaned over slightly to kiss the top of Yaku's head.

Yaku blushed and looked away "stupid... You're too cute." He muttered under his breath.

"Aww! I heard that Yakuu!! You think I'm cute??" Led smiled happily.

"Yeah, sure you are. A little." Yaku said, looking away.

"Aww! You're cute too Yakuu!" Lev beamed.

The rest of the walk to Yaku's home was just idle chat, and laughing. Lev had convinced Yaku to ride on his back, and Yaku kept making remarks about how this must be how Lev felt all the time.
They spent the rest of the day watching sad movies (surprisingly Lev loved sad movies, Yaku on the other hand just cried the whole time), eating takeout, and cuddling until Yaku fell asleep.

(Yikes, the ending was kind of bullshit but we'll just pretend it's fine 😬👌) don't forget to like if you enjoyed!

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