Ignored,part 3/3: Iwaoi

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Oikawa was sick and tired of Iwaizumi's attitude, always cold and teasing him constantly. He couldn't even remember the last time he said something nice.

He decided to drag other people into it because being Oikawa, he wanted everything to be a group event, but seeing how the other two reacted have him his doubts. Maybe he should appreciate Iwaizumi how he is?

Oikawa sighed and shrugged to himself. To late to go back now.


Iwaizumi first noticed Oikawa's strange demeanour the next morning when he woke up and Oikawa was online, but hadn't texted him even once. Iwaizumi shrugged and ignored the weird feeling he was getting.

"Shittykawa! Hey come here!" Came Iwaizumi's voice calling over to Oikawa at the beginning of school on the way to their shared classroom.

No response. Exasperated, Iwaizumi decided that once again, Oikawa was being over dramatic.

Later during lunch period, Oikawa was purposefully avoiding Iwaizumi, and was disappointed to find Iwaizumi eating with Yahaba as if he didn't care.

A few bits of his conversation drifted to Oikawa and left him shocked.


Iwaizumi was annoyed by Oikawa, but he didn't bother talking to him about it, if he knew anything Oikawa would give up whatever act he was putting up and would be back to following him around and pestering him by the end of the day.

When lunch rolled around he sat with Yahaba, Kyotani had been gone for a few days with his parents so Yahaba didn't have anyone to sit with right now.

"Is something going on with you an Oikawa-san?" Asked the ever-caring setter.

"He's just being dramatic again." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes he's such a pest honestly, I don't know why anyone would fall in love with him, especially me!" Iwaizumi began to get carried away. "I wish I didnt, I wish I wasn't attracted to him at all. He makes a lot of problems for me, it's more like babysitting then anything if I'm hones-" Yahaba had noticed something and slapped his hand over Iwaizumi's mouth and glared at him.

"You idiot... He's right there." Yahaba pointed to someone who ran off before Iwaizumi could even see him properly.

An overwhelming feeling of guilt and regret came over Iwaizumi, and his first reaction came over him like a curse, as he jumped to his feet and ran after the retreating figure.


Babysitting...? A pest? He wishes he didn't love me...

Oikawa realized Iwaizumi was following him and took a deep breath before he halted and spun around, glaring darkly at the boy behind him.

A more hateful look had never been seen by Iwaizumi, especially on his beloved Oikawa's face. It made him freeze on the spot.

"Oikawa I-"

"We're breaking up."

if Iwaizumi wasn't already afraid, he was now. A shaking hand found it's way to Oikawa's.

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