Chapter 10 Mia

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I can't believe this. I can't believe this. I am the most happy I've ever been I think.

Me and Ava were skipping down the courthouse steps hand in hand trying to process all the excitement while my mom lagged behind completely nonchalant about everything.
"I can't believe they were fully okay with everything." I said loudly to Ava.

"Probably because I've been in the system so long and your mom has a clean record so they thought why not.."

"Yeah, but this is great. This is awesome, in so totally stoked."

"Me too." She looked over and I could see the smile glimmer in her sea blue eyes. her eyes were a wild inhumanly beautiful bright blue. She was so much like a fairy tale.

"This is all moving so fast.." I heard her say quietly to herself as we it into the car.

"What's wrong?..Is everything alright?, are you second guessing it?.." I asked with a pout and sad eyes.

"No no, of course not.. I just am trying to process everything. I feel out of tune." I reached over and hugged her and whispered quietly -

"You're not a instrument." I felt her cheeks rise to a smile against my face in our embrace.

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