Chapter Eight Ava

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After I had walked her home, and had a talking to from my foster parents I went up to bed. That kiss was amazing. She was amazing. I have no idea what has gotten into me.. I'll be seventeen in a week, that's when I get a new family.

But I don't want to move family's anymore, I want to stay with Mia. I don't want to lose the best thing that has happened to me. I felt as if maybe finally I could have something, something that I loved and it loved me back. Something that I could call mine, and they could call me theirs. I silently prayed to God, or anything that was there, anything that was real, to please let me have this chance. When I woke to the sound of someone calling my phone, I jumped up expecting it to be from Mia, but it was my case worker.

"I am going to bring you down to the office to let you choose from two families we have available later on this evening. Is that okay?" I heard her ask through the phone.

"Yeah, sure.. fine."

"Great, see you later. Bye Ava." With that I clicked the end button, eager to get her shrilly voice away from my ear. I go back to bed waiting for Mia to rescue me from my horrid life I have ahead of me.

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