Chapter Four Ava

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"School was a breeze, much easier than a few schools I've had in the past." I told my foster mom when I got home from school.

"That's great sweetie, glad to hear it. Make any friends?"

"Yeah, one. She's really nice."

"Wonderful. What's her name?"

"Mia." I said with a smile.

"Very pretty. Maybe sometime she can come over, hang for a bit, spend the night after you get to know her a little better even.."

"Thanks May."

"No problem. Dinner'll be ready in an hour or two."

When I got into my room I laid my bag on the floor and plopped down face first onto my bed. Today was so nice, especially with Mia by my side, it felt better than being alone.. but why were people looking at us? It was strange..

Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Mia.


Smiling I texted her back,

'Haha, hi'

We texted for about an hour until I fell asleep, talking the usual text talk, getting to know each other a little better. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until Caroline came in and woke me up.

"Get up, dinner is ready."


I got up and slowly walked into the bathroom to wash my hands. When I looked in the mirror I looked awful. I looked like a zombie just woke from his 5,000 year old nap. I rinsed off my face and dried off my hands then walked down the steps into the kitchen.

"Hey there Ava!"

"Hey Joshua."

"Good day at school?"

"Yeah, better than expected."


That was practically how me and my foster dads conversations always went. Short and cheerful.

I quickly ate, wanting to get away from the awkwardness at the table that always came when I arrived. I've been with this family for about a year now, but we still get an awkward feel when all together. Finally back in the comfort of my room I put on my orchestra CD and covered up. Listening to the soothing instruments I started to drift off to sleep, even though it being 6pm.

When I woke up it was 12am and my CD player had shut off. I hurriedly found my phone and checked my missed messages/calls. I had 3 texts from Mia.

'Yeah, it's just because no one really talks to me. Haven't for a long time, but I like it that way. They just found it strange me taking on to you so quickly like I did.'

'Ava? Did you get my message?'

'I'm guessing you fell asleep.. Aww, lol, but hit me up when you get these. I'm glad we're friends.'

That first one was after my question about why was everyone looking at us oddly throughout the day. Wait a minute. She said aww! SHE SAID AWW! Oh my gosh, she was flirting. Is she? She couldn't be, she could get any guy she wanted. Ava. Take it slow, she's your friend. Friend.

I immediately sent her a text back.

'Sorry, I did fall asleep haha. I'm glad we're friends too, but why would people not wanna talk to you. I think you're talk to material.'

Right after it sent, I received a response. It was like she was waiting.

'Too cute! And thanks, but I don't know I'm just not very "popular" you could say'

'Oh :( well if they give you any trouble they'll have to take it up with me.'

'That's sweet, thanks(:'

'No worries. Btw you're not half bad yourself hah.'

'Hmm.. flirting? Kidding ;)'

I smiled thinking about her text, wondering what she was doing at this moment.

'Hey! would you like to hang out here soon?'

'Ehhh... I don't know.. YES! lol when??'

'Yay! lets say ... this weekend?'

'Sure thing, I'm sure my mom won't mind.'

'Cool, well I think I'm gonna go to bed Mia'

'Okay Ava. I forgot to tell you earlier but, your name is beautiful.'

'I was going to tell you the same. Goodnight, looking forward to seeing you.'

'Night, x.'

I sighed in content and laid my phone on my side table. I thought about Mia as I drifted off to sleep. I don't know how I could be attached to someone this quick, but I felt myself caring for her more and more by the second.

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