Chapter 14

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Once I got there, Kate was already at the gate waiting for me. She looks like she's been up for a while and her hair is pretty damp. I hugged her "Baby, I missed you" she hugged me back and giggled "I missed you too, my love"

She held my hand as we walked inside "My love, what would you want for breakfast?" I smiled and set my bag down "Actually, I already cooked breakfast baby" then I showed her the food containers that is still hot. "Oh, fried rice! Thank you, Annie"

She prepared some plates and we ate silently, though she ate quicker than me. There's still a couple of minutes left before our first class start, she went ahead and prepared my stuff. She also prepared a spot for me beside her, I told her I'll do it but she insisted. So, I just quickly finished my meal and set it on the sink, making sure to pour water on it.

I just learned to do that a while ago from Kate, I don't know why I never did. I mean it's pretty common sense and it's a really good thing to do because the remaining food grains wouldn't harden and stick to the plate.

We settled on our places and waited for the meeting to begun. It was the usual morning greeting sand then the teacher will ask us to open our cams for a snapshot. I sometimes open my cam but most times I don't, Kate never did.

She has a problem with her camera so it's acceptable, it's only a problem whenever we have exams and it's required. She has to tilt her screen and it hurts her eyes because she couldn't see it very well.

I could barely pay attention to class; well, it was boring and my girlfriend is just right beside me. At some point, I took her hand and played with it. I don't think she minded because she lifted it and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

Minutes passed and I moved closer to her little by little. By the end of the class, I'm already hugging her from behind. I'm resting my chin on her shoulder, by doing this I was able to actually pay attention. It was so comfortable and she smelled so nice.

Our synchronous session ended at 9:32 and we are given a task to do. We both decided to do it first and get done with it before doing any of her chores. Because she's helping me, we are able to finish it pretty quickly.

I told her I'll help her with her chores, she was very hesitant but agreed. "Are you sure?" she asked once more, and I nodded firmly. "Annie we'll be cleaning poop" she said looking directly at me, I guess she's trying to get me to back down but I won't.

"So?" she chuckled "Okay" then we went outside, she took the broom stick and started cleaning the insides of the Dog's pens. "So baby, you use two brooms?" I asked because I noticed that they use a different kind when cleaning inside the house. "Yeah, walis tambo is used inside the house because it's feather like and really good at catching dust. Walis ting-ting is used outside because well, it works well in cleaning bigger stuff"

Those brooms look very efficient "I should buy walis tambo for my condo" I tried to pronounce it as correctly as I could "Yeah, you can buy in the market or sometimes there's a guy that walks around sending them" she had finished cleaning the insides and now moves to clean under.

"Baby let me do that" "No" I pouted but she couldn't see it. "Just help me with the water after" she suggested, "Okay" suddenly a door open from inside. I think her mom's awake now. And she did peek and greeted me when she saw me.

Kate went inside to get a bucket and a dipper, she then took to the pump a few meters from the house, she said it's called bombahan. "So, we just pump this up and down and then water come out"

"Yup, the pump works like a suction, and it gets water underground. You pump and I'll carry it" I started pumping and it's not as light as I thought it would be. I wasn't heavy but I thought it would be lighter, this could probably count as a workout in addition to carrying the bucket.

Kate does this every day, no wonder she looks fit; Although she says she works out. "I'll carry it too, okay? Just do what you do" She agreed. I don't want to let her carry these anymore because she's having back pains recently.

After filling up the bucket, I carried back to the dogs and she used it to clean the remaining dirt. "Baby, what do you think of Ruby?" she stopped and turned to me for a bit "What do you mean?" I shrugged "Just what do you think of her?" she thought for a bit and then continued with her work "She's fine"

"Fine?" she nodded "I don't know, I barely talk to her. In fact, I barely talk to anyone except my best friend and you. Oh, let's get some more water" I took the bucket from her and we walked back to the pump. "oh, but when you talked to her before?"

"I think she's pretty playful" "that's it?" she nodded "Do you find her attractive?" she looked at me and smiled "she is attractive but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to her" I smiled a bit "Don't you think she's flirting with you?"

She shrugged "Whether she is or not, I didn't really notice it. Because I only pay attention to you" she smiled and then winked at me. I chuckled feeling my cheeks heat up "okay okay"

We continued with her work going back to fill up the bucket 2 more times and then when I thought we are done, we're not. She went ahead and cleaned the dirty dog dishes and she just let me sweep the fallen furs that was washed away by the water.

Apparently, she also has to sweep inside but fortunately, her sister took over and her mom took care of the dishes. Once we're all done, we went back to our spot and rested for a bit.

Kate went back to writing her story and I just sat there watching her type "My love, what makes you suddenly ask about Ruby", she suddenly asked "Well nothing really, I just remembered something" she still looking at me expectantly, so I continued "well before they met you, she often joked about flirting with you and whatnot. And she actually did on our first zoom call but it seems you didn't realize any of her advances" I laughed

She shrugged and then laughed with me. "Once I got my eyes on someone, I never pay attention to anyone else. So, I didn't notice it because I'm busy thinking about you" I kissed her cheek "You have such a way with words"

She held my face "I'm just being honest" I looked at her and then down to her lips, "I love you baby" she smiled and gave me a quick peck "I love you too"

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