Chapter 6

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2 days later and our schedule and teachers were finally finalized, we consulted Kate about it but she just said "Meh" she mentioned that she thinks it's better than what they had back in 11th grade but she's unsure. She also said that she's also a transferee, she just got here a year before us.

Most of us had already filmed our parts and sent it to Kate, I was first to send mine; she complemented me saying that I'm cool and that she'd wanted to learn martial arts for so long. I offered to train her to which she jokingly agreed, but I'm serious about it. She's already started the editing and she said she has a good idea of what she wants this film to look like but she won't tell me.

We kept talking more and more and I feel like we've gotten so much closer. It's only been two days and it seems we are already seeing what they warned us. Short deadlines and filed up works; though Kate said that this was nothing compared to what they had before, like seriously?

Thursday comes by and it was another exhausting day, I could only imagine how much harder it would be if we are in the school grounds; we are told performances are values so we are to conduct lots of experiments and applications, this school lives up to its name. Regarding our project which will be counted as performance task, we have completed all the clips; Kate is busy editing it while the rest of us are still doing requirements for other subjects. As much as I don't want to bother her, I'm quite worried, so I decided to send her a message.

[Kate, how are you?]

[I'm good I'll be done in a bit]

[Oh okay, we're just doing reqs right now]

[Oh okay, let me know if you need help]

Shouldn't we be the ones helping you?]

[No, I'm good I'm done with the reqs]

[what? You're so fast]

[yeah haha, I finished them last night. So, if you have questions just message me]

[okay thank you. Message me when you're done]

[Okie, I'll send it to you first before anyone else]

I reacted heart to her last message, I felt special. I shouldn't bother her anymore; I feel energized and started working on my requirements.

Around an hour later, I've finished most of my reqs; I satisfied and decided it's time to rest. I took my phone and sent Kate yet another message.

[hey, I finished most of my work. How are you doing?]

[hello, I'm actually finished. It's just saving and then I'll send it to you, wait for it lmao]

[oh yeah of course, I'm excited to see it!]

[I'm pretty satisfied with it but also don't expect too much? Oh and good job in doing your work]

[thanks? I mean I have to]

[yeah but still, you did it. That's an accomplishment and I'm proud of you!]


[Yeah, I'm sending the vid now just wait for it okay?]


She always replies fast, I don't if she only does this to me but I feel special. It's always the little things she does that makes me feel appreciated and recognized. If she keeps acting like this, how can I stop myself from falling?

After about a minute or two I finally received the film. It started with a clip of the morning sun taken from a window, birds are chirping and can be seen flying around, there's a nice calming music playing in the back ground. I think Kate filmed this part, then the title appeared "Life of Teens"

I now understand why she made us film our clips on different times of the day, she edited them in order. Showing what we teenagers do in the morning till everything transitioning from scene to scene smoothly.

First was Caleb's clip of working out then as he finished it transitions to Ruby cooking, after she sat down it transitions to Kylee who was reading, the camera zooms to the title and cover of the book where the word Melody is written and focused on the musical notes which faded into a music sheet.

The camera pans to show Emily playing a piano and singing, there's a window behind her and the camera seemingly went towards it. Haley can be seen painting; the camera then focuses and zoom at the painting where it transitions to Kyler who is gaming.

The camera entered the game and Ashton was shown, like me he decided to showcase his skills in MMA, but I made sure to outdone him. The camera pans and it showed me, I really think I did well but then my clip paused, and the camera was sucked out of a phone.

Ah this is Kate's clip, the one I've been waiting for. Her clips showed her editing our film but she also showcased herself, she showed clips of her filming, drawing the thumbnail and also jamming to songs while picking one for the film. The film ended with her clicking the save button.

It was so good; it was such an experience; I don't even know how she did that and just on her phone too. I immediately messaged her complementing her work and hyping her up. She asked me if I thought it was good enough and I told her it was more than perfect. She thanked me and admitted that she has passion towards art and she enjoys making things like this.

She sent it to the others and obviously they agreed it was great. I forced Kate to put credits at the end to honor her hard work, at first, she refused but I was persistent. She added credits and turned it in, since she reluctant in doing it I promised to buy her ice cream after our therapy session this weekend.

Needless to say, she was very happy with that because she loves ice cream but still she asked if I was sure and of course I am. She's happy, I'm happy. 

Maybe it'll even turn into a date, maybe...

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