The Accident Child

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Lily and Emma hadn't even been out of school for a week before their parents were kissing them goodbye. Their parents have wanted to go on a long trip for years but have waited due to how young the girls have been, but this year they have decided that their 18-year-old daughter Emma was old enough to watch and take care of their 13-year-old Lily. They deemed Emma to be a responsible young lady because of her good grades at school, but as you'll soon find out they were very wrong.

''Mom, make sure you remember our agreement,'' Emma said to her mother as she began to walk out the door.

''Yes, we know, we know. You agreed to give up your summer watching your sister and in return, we will Venmo you money every week.'' Emma's dad said with annoyance. (This was the third time that day she had reminded them.)

''Don't you guys think I'm old enough to watch myself?'' Lily mentioned while everyone else laughed. She was the opposite of a golden child in her parent's eyes, due to the fact that she was an accident and her parents only wanted one kid.

''Make sure to call me Emma if she behaves, because she will surely be punished very harshly.'' Their mom was speaking to Emma however she was looking straight at Lily, as if it was a warning. Lily then shivered as she remembered her last punishment, while her parents walked out the door.

''Alright I'm going shopping, but I'll be back in about 2 hours.'' Emma said not even two seconds after her parents left.

''Alright well I'll come with you.''

''Ha, nope. You're going to stay here.''

''Bu-'' Lily suddenly stopped talking when Emma dangled her phone in her face.

''Do I need to calm mom?''

''No, no, no! I'll stay here.''

''Good, we'll don't get in any trouble. And hey just because you're a great sister I'll make sure to get you something.'' Emma then left the house with a smug smile on her face.

The Not So Perfect SummerWhere stories live. Discover now