The Storm

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Lily spent the rest of the day in pure discomfort. No matter how she sat or stood she couldn't get comfortable in her stuffed pull-up. Her sister didn't even come to check on her anymore because she knew there was nothing Lily could do to get out of it. Lily thought the day couldn't get any worse until her older sister Emma called her for dinner.

''Lily come on, dinner is ready!'' Emma yelled, already annoyed since she had already called out once.

''I'm-I'm not hungry.'' Suddenly everything went quiet until Emma finally spoke again.

''I didn't ask if you wanted to Lily. Now get in here now or else I'll make you stay in that pull-up for 2 more days!'' Lily then ran into the room with fear over what her sister had just said. ''Good,'' Emma said as she sat down. Lily then walked over to the table and stared into the plate of food. 

''Did you put--''

''Ah, no questions just eat.'' Lily then sat down. She was nearly shaking. She couldn't stand the idea of her pull-up being any more uncomfortable than it already was. She examined her plate for a few more minutes before Emma interrupted her investigation. ''If you're not going to eat then leave! It's either you eat the food and get a new pull-up tomorrow or wait and get a new one in two days. It's your choice!'' Lily then picked up her food and began to eat. She knew her pull-up would be filled even more but she couldn't wait two more days for a new one.

After the two finished dinner they cleaned up and Emma left for her bedroom. Lily was shocked, she thought for sure her sister would find enjoyment in seeing her explode in her pull-up again but it turns out she didn't, so Lily went back to the living room.

Some time had passed until Lily's stomach began to hurt. She began to prepare herself for the storm and decided it would be best to stay still to avoid it smooshing around in her pull-up. It then suddenly began. Lily tried to focus on anything else other than her pull-up, which was now beginning to grow, but she couldn't. It felt terrible. She was being forced to sit in her own poop. However Lily still kept trying to distract herself until she felt something on her leg. She then quickly looked down to reveal her pull-up was being overflowed. There was poop not only on her legs but the couch. Lily then jumped up and soon poop started dripping onto the carpet. She began to panic.

''No, no, no, no, no!'' She didn't know what to do, but then suddenly out of the corner of her eye she saw her sister enter the room.

''What's going...'' Her sister stared at the floor, and then the brown trail led her to look at the couch. Her face suddenly turned red and Lily could tell she was filling with anger. Emma then looked at Lily causing her stomach to drop, she knew she was in big trouble.

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