The Dirty Diaper

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Emma went into the kitchen as she demanded Lily to lay on a blanket she had laid out in the middle of the living floor room. Emma came into the living room with a bottle in her hand. She unstrapped Lily's pacifier and shoved the bottle into her mouth. "Drink." Lily just stared at Emma. "I said drink!" The sudden raise in Emma's voice frightened Lily and was enough to convince her to start drinking. 

Lily knew the bottle had laxatives in it. She expected nothing less from Emma, but she was surprised at how quickly they kicked in. Lily wasn't even half way through the bottle before she starts shifting her legs to stop herself from soiling her diaper. By the time Emma came back into the living room to discover Lily had finished her bottle, Lily was barely holding it all in.

Emma quickly noticed her sister's suffering and slowly walked over to her smirking. Emma strapped the pacifier back on to Lily's mouth before she started tracing shapes with her finger on Lily's stomach.

"Don't be scared to let it go. Besides, that's what your diapers for, isn't it?" she said as she poked Lily's stomach. Lily immediately let out a giant fart that was followed by a giant poop storm that left her diaper twice its original size. Lily's face became red while her Emma stared at her sister's filling diaper.

After a few minutes the laxatives had finally passed through, or so Lily thought. "Come on don't be shy," Emma cooed as she pushed hard on Lily's stomach. A second wave suddenly flowed into Lily's diaper. Her sister laughed and mocked at her as Lily would wetly fart and then push out a large slimly poop.

Once Emma grew bored of mocking her sister, she began to smush Lily's diaper. She used her hands to press on it making sure the diaper spread all the way up the front, back, and sides of the diaper. The whole time Lily was thinking about a diaper change, which she was hoping would follow this embarrassing incident. However, after a few moments Emma said "You should be fine for a few more hours in this diaper."

Lily's face turned even more red. Emma could sense her confusion and frustration. "We wouldn't want to waste a diaper now, would we? I just put this one on you, surely you can wait. Besides I won't always be able to change you right away all the time. You need to start getting used to sitting in dirty diapers."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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