The Secret Lunch

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''What else do you want me to do?'' Lily quietly asked. 

Emma smirked, ''Well first, since you'll be wearing pull-ups I expect you to wear them for their correct purposes.''

''You don't mean-''

''Oh yes I do. For the next two months your toilet privileges will be revoked and you will do all your intended business in your pull-up.''

''Emma No! I'm already humiliating myself by wearing it, I'm not doing anything else!''

''Really?'' Lily stared at Emma, instantly regretting yelling at her. 

''No, no, I'm sorry!'' Lily then quickly took off her shorts, like her sister asked earlier. Emma smiled, pleased with the fear she caused her sister.

''Good, I'll go over the other rules later but for now I'm going to go make us some lunch. Oh, and make sure those shorts stay off, I want that pull-up visible at all times.'' Emma then cheerfully skipped into the kitchen, leaving Lily mortified of her new look.

Sometime later Emma called Lily for lunch. Emma had made the two of them mac and cheese and broccoli. The two of them ate in silence at the dining table and once they were done Emma informed Lily that she wished to watch a movie with her, so they cleaned up their plates and headed back to the living room. A few minutes later Emma noticed that Lily started squirming a lot on the couch.

''Is everything alright Lily?'' Emma asked in an innocent tone.

''Ye-ye-yep,'' Lily responded, however it was clear she was not. She kept moving every few moments but soon she couldn't stop.

''Aww, did the food get to you?'' At this point Lily knew that Emma knew she needed to go the bathroom.

''Emma please let me use the bathroom. I'll do whatever you want just please let me go.''

''Lily of course you can go the bathroom.'' She then stood up in front of Lily and pushed her arms to her sides. ''You can go right in your pull-up.'' Emma then began to push near Lily's bladder. 

Lily's eyes grew wide as the pull-up began to be filled.

''That's a good girl,'' Emma cooed. Lily's eyes suddenly began to water, and soon she was crying. She hated the feeling of the wet mushy diaper. Her diaper kept filling as Emma said ''Wow, those laxatives really seamed to work.''


''I put some laxatives in your lunch.'' Lily wanted to scream at her sister but she knew it would only make it worse, so instead she stayed quiet as her diaper filled even more.

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