The Precautions

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It felt like an eternity to Lily before her explosion finally ended. By the end she was balling, but she still had know idea what else her sister had in store for her.

''Now I think this is the perfect time to explain another rule to you Lily, hm?'' Emma said with a smirk, for she was proud of what she accomplished.

''Emma, please--''

''--I know, I know, I know, you've already been through enough today, so that's why I won't  enforce the rule until tomorrow.'' Lily sighed in relief, she had already been through enough today. ''But honestly, I think the next rule isn't too much to ask. All it is, is that you are only allowed to change your pull-up when I allow it.'' Lily then suddenly realized that what she thought was a considerate act from a sister was now just another way for her sister to torture her.

''Why can't we start it today?! You already made me fill my pull-up to the rim Emma!'' More and more anger began to form among Lily as she continued to yell. ''This is so unfair! You know what I don't care if you call mom anymore, I'm done with this!'' Lily then stormed out of the living room and into her bedroom, while Emma remained still. She stayed in the same spot she stood in from the start of her sisters rage, waiting. She began to get excited for the next part of her scheme to be revealed. In her mind her sister deserved this, for Emma thought it was her chance to get payback on her sister from taking her prized possession of being the only child away from her. She found her sister to be an embarrassment, and even worse a possible corruption of her status at school. In her head she thought through all of this. Confirming to herself that what she's doing is for the right reason, for her own personal enjoyment.

''Emma!'' Lily suddenly stormed out to see Emma still facing the wall. She was confused and called her again. ''Emma!'' 

''Yes, dear sister.'' Emma suddenly turned creepily so she was facing Lily, her movement seemed like it was something out of a horror film. 

''Why--'' Lily then stopped. She could tell by her sister's face that she already knew what she was about to say.

''I knew at some point you'd crack so I took some extra precautions, including discarding of all of your underwear.'' Lily starred at her sister as she slowly began to walk closer and closer to her. ''Look I'm not going to call mom because I already doubted from the beginning that the technique of scaring you with a phone call to her wouldn't last long, and also because sister this is for me to be in control of, not mom. Don't you understand how much joy it brings me to see you suffer, to see you feel how I've felt every single day since the day you came into my life!'' Emma was now so close to Lily that she was practically yelling in her face. ''Now, I suggest you be a good girl and suck it up and stay in the pull-up till tomorrow or I'll make it so you'll be begging to come back to this exact moment where you punishment was nothing more than a messy pull-up!'' Emma then stormed off and left Lily alone crying in her messy pull-up.

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