New Changes

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Emma then grabbed her keys off the counter, ''Don't Move!'' she said as she left the house. In fear Lily didn't move a bit, she just stayed in the middle of the living room in her overflowing pull-up.

At last Lily heard the door open to reveal Emma holding a huge plastic bag filled with things she bought at the store. She then walked over to Lily and grabbed her hand, forcing her upstairs.''Get in the shower,'' she demanded as she pointed to the bathroom door. Lily did as she was told however after she was done she realized she didn't have any clothes in the bathroom for her to change into so she quickly hurried into her room to get some.

''Good you're done.'' Lily jumped when she realized her sister was in her room. ''Sit up here,'' she said. Lily then walked over to her sister and realized that she had turned the top of her dresser into a changing table while she was in the shower. Lily hesitated for a moment but then did as she was told. Her sister the shoved her down so she was laying flat on the table. 

''Since it seems the pull-ups don't hold enough for you, I've decided you're going to be switching to diapers since your pooping all the time.''

''That's not my fault, you were the--''

''Ah, congrats Lily! You've just earned you first punishment for back talking!''

''What? How--''

''I would stop now before things get even worse for you,'' Emma said with a grin on her face. She then leaned down and grabbed a diaper from a package she got from the store.

''So, with this new change comes new rules, starting with that from now on I will be changing you and only I am allowed to.'' Emma said as she lifted up Lily's legs to lay the diaper underneath her. Lily was so mortified of the fact that she was 13 years old and being put in a diaper that she didn't say a word, but instead stared strongly at the ceiling. ''And you are not allowed to ask for a change, because just like the pull-ups, I will determine when you get a change.'' A tear began to stream down Lily's face. She felt embarrassed and upset knowing that this is how the next two months of her life would go.

After Emma was done changing Lily into a freshly baby powdered diaper, she picked her up and put her on the ground. ''Now for the next rule you are only allowed to crawl, no walking!''

''Emma, please don--''

''Your blabber mouth just reminded me that I still need to give you your punishment.'' Emma then turned and reached into her shopping bag to reveal a pacifier that had a strap attached to it. Emma put in on Lily's head and tightened it. Lily tried to take it off but because of the strap it was stuck on. ''Aw don't worry. If you're a good little baby I'll take it off,'' Emma cooed at Lily. She then began to walk towards the door and turned around, waiting for Lily to begin crawling. When she remained still Emma yelled, ''Do you really want another punishment?!'' Lily then attempted to quickly crawl over to the door but the thickness of the diaper slowed her down. Eventually she made it over. ''Look at you already learning to crawl you big baby,'' Emma teased as she continued down the hallway. Lily then sighed and began to follow after her.

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