Part 1: Disappointment

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The first thing I notice as my eyes flutter open Is the sunlight seeping in through my curtains. It shines throughout my room causing it to glow and send off waves of heat. I feel warm all over, underneath my undeniably cozy silk sheets. I look over at my alarm clock to see the time, 6:39 it reads. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn quietly. As I lay there sleepily I hear a knock at my door. "Who is it"? I ask curiously. "Miss Aurelia your breakfast is ready for you in the dinning room" at that I hear footsteps travel off down the hall. I push my sheets off of me, and swing my feet to the floor. The white carpet is warm from the sunshine. I stand up and look at myself in the mirror across from me. I have on my pink satin Pyjamas from Paris. I brush my knotted hair before heading to breakfast. As I walk down three sets of stairs from the forth floor to the main floor, my feet become cold from the hardwood. I skip into the dining room and sit at the end where I usually do. Our dining table is so big we can seat twelve people comfortably. I stair at my french toast and fruit salad hungrily. I want to dig in but I always wait for mom and dad, breakfast is the only time I see them. I hear the clicking of my mothers heels to the hardwood get louder and louder until she Is visible down the hall. She is followed by my father. "Mom, dad, I can't wait for tonight I think the best part is that your going to be there, lately we never spend any time together" I say gleefully. My father pulls the chair out and my mom sits down, he takes the seat beside her. They both sit at the opposite end of the table form me. "Oh darling Aurelia I don't think we are going to make it" says my mother. My heart stops for a few moments as I process what the words she has spoken actually mean. "but it's my high school graduation party" I say quietly. Hot tears start steaming down my face and it's at this point I'm glad I'm not wearing mascara, my father views crying as a form of weakness. "I'm Obadiah Ashford, Aurelia, what do you expect, I run multiple Business's, how do you think I pay for this house and for your stupid graduation party, certainly not for goofing off and spending time with you" my fathers voice booms through the house, echoing off the walls. I don't fell hungry anymore, so I stand up and storm out of the room and up the stairs. When I slam the door to my room I immediately begin balling my eyes out. I glance at the time which is now 7:05, shit Declan is going to be here in twenty minutes. I can't have puffy eyes for when my boyfriend picks me up for school. I stand up, wipe away my tears and begin getting dressed and putting on my makeup. "Declan grant is the hottest boy in school, he is my boyfriend, I am the most popular girl in school, I am rich, I am beautiful, I am intellectually superior to my peers, I am Aurelia Ashford" even though I repeat this to myself over and over It doesn't seem to fill the painful void in my heart where the love of my parents should be. finally I am ready at 7:24. I rush through the house and out the door. Suddenly a wave of happiness washes over me at the sight of Declan. I decide that today is going to be amazing and I can't let my parents ruin everything. I walk over to his awesome red mustang and hop in. "You look beautiful Aurelia" he says leaning in for a kiss. I kiss his soft lips. As he puts his car in drive I check myself out in the car mirror. I'm wearing a white long sleeve crop top and matching white shorts. My blonde hair is put up into a cute messy bun. I'm startled by Declan's voice. "Did you hear about the new girl" he says "what new girl"? I ask. "Apparently there's this girl starting school today in our grade" he says without taking his eyes off the road. "why would someone transfer to a new school when there's only two weeks left of senior year" I wonder out loud. "I don't know, but apparently she used to go to our school before and now she's just transferring back" he says. "what's her name" I ask. "Wren Axton" Declan answers. my stomach twists and turns into knots and I feel sickly as if I'm going to vomit. "Wren Axton" I repeat. Today is NOT going to be a good day.

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