Part 5: R.I.P

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(Above is a picture of Cleo)

As the day goes on I find it harder to concentrate in class. I find my self leaving class every 20 minutes from having a panic attack. I can't go to wrens house and face her, I just can't. i stare at the clock In my last class before lunch. five minutes I tell myself, not much time left. all of a sudden the loud speaker turns on and the voice of the principle is booming through every classroom in the entire school. "hello students and staff" I hear. "I'm afraid today is a very sad day indeed" he pauses and I know what he is about to say. I look at the date written on the bored. how could I have been so stupid wren coming back was no coincidence its June 3rd. The principle continues and you can tell he is on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry" he says for the pause. "Four years ago today, a tragedy took place here in our beloved town" I stand up and leave the class room without asking this time. my teacher not noticing because my seat is directly beside the door. I run down the hall tears streaming down my face. at the end of the hall I see wren, just standing there staring at me. I begin sobbing and drop to the floor as my knees give out. the principle finishes his announcement as I cry in the middle of the empty hallway, empty except for wren. "one of our students, your peers, sadly took his own life" I look to see wren walking closer to me, she does not look angry or sad, but she is smiling. smiling as only the devil could in a situation like this. and as the principle utters the last words of the announcement wren is standing directly over me with her wicked grin plastered across her face. "Rest in piece, Jeremy Axton, and we hope that wherever you are, that you are happier now". As soon as the announcement ends wren kneels down beside me. "aww did you hear that Aurelia, wasn't that sweet, do you hope that my brother is happier now" she says still smirking. I look up at her unable to control my sobbing. "answer me" she whispers angrily as her grin fades to a scowl. When I don't she grabs ahold of my shirt and drags me up off the floor. "answer me" she yells this time. the bell rings as i begin to choke and she lets me go. as people start filling the halls I stumble off to the girls bathroom. I look in the mirror at my mascara covered face. there is a red line on my neck where wren was choking me with my own shirt. I fix my mascara before I leave the bathroom with a huge fake smile. After all I still have an image to protect.

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