Chapter Six

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Milo - Arthur is the King of being yeeted.

Lavana made a weird noise and sat up with a start. Then she started crying, burying her head in my shoulder. My heart did a flip. At first a good flip, like 'oh my god she's resting her head on my shoulder', and then a bad flip like 'oh no she's resting her head because she's actually sad and something is clearly wrong so shut up, and stop being a sad loser baby butthole guy'.

"Lavana? Are you okay?"

She sobbed. "No,"

"No? What happened? Did you have a bad dream?"

"You were gone. All of you. Everyone, everything. I was alone. I saw a-- a mirage of you and-- and then you disappeared. You turned into sand, Milo!"

"You were dreaming about me?" It was probably selfish that that was the only thing I really heard, but it put a goofy smile on my face.

"Is that the only thing you got from my explanation? That I had a dream and you were in it?"

"Well it's different that it was just me."

"Whatever." she grumbled, her face turning a slight tinge of red. Was she really that smug, that this was the only time she was blushing?

The sun was rising, and I could hear some of the other people stirring. I felt a little proud of myself that I had managed to pull an all-nighter. The only issue was that now I was really tired and I didn't think i would be able to walk a lot, especially dehydrated. We hadn't eaten or drank anything in over 24 hours, and my throat felt scratchy and dry. My stomach rumbled.

Screw my stomach. Screw my ability to be hungry. screw that, screw everything. screw thirst, screw dehydration, screw water. screw deserts, screw heat, screw the sun, screw rain. screw me, screw Lavana, screw apollo, hyacinth, ingrid, astrid, arthur, and you know what? screw you. screw you, and your ability to read my thoughts. You're probably laughing at this right now because HAHA I'm so funny. I know; I should be a comedian. So screw off and stop messing with me. Go drink your freaAking water and eat your freaking dinner in your freaking bed, and stay warm during the winters, and cool during the summers. 

"Milo? Are you alright? You're scowling." Her eyes met mine. They were still watery and a little puffy, but the gold specks glittered in the rising sunlight.

"Yep. Just breaking the fourth wall and getting angry at the little people listening to my thoughts."



"Can you guys shut the heckity heck up?" Astrid mumbled by Lavana's outstretched legs.

"Fight me." Lavana replied without hesitation.

"You wanna go?"

"You know I do."

"Ingrid wake the hell up."

She groaned. "Why?"

"I need you to hold me back so I don't break Lavana in half. I actually kinda like her."

"Aww, really? You like me?"

"Well duh, you're like, cool as hheeeck."

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah."

"Well I think your hair is so cool, though. How do you manage to keep it so smooth??"

"Guys. Do you realise it's like five in the morning?" Hyacinth asked groggily.

"And how would you know?"

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