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You woke by rustling noises as you got out of the bed and checked up on your hamster (Jerry). It was trying to get out of the cage again.

"I will get you out but first let me clean the room for you"You said as you cleaned your room

You looked for the plastic ball that Jerry is supposed to be in when he wants to get out of the cage for safety. You kissed it and patted it with your fingers before putting it in the ball.

"So eager to leave huh?"You said as you tried to close it but Jerry kept moving around and finally closed it.

You brushed your teeth and went to the kitchen to get your lunch box and breakfast ready.
You found a note that your aunt wrote on the fridge

"I might comes late today so don't wait for me and eat dinner when you get back also Good luck on your first day at school"it said with smile face

"Am I getting fat?"You thought as you looked at your thighs and arms.
"Well gotta love myself like Rap Monster says"You say as you wore uniform but wore a choker cuz you felt like it with sexy eyeliner on as well.

"I look sexy" You said as you brought Jerry back to his cage and he went straight to his small house.
"Bye bye Jerry I love you" You said as you left locking the apartment behind you.

You were close to being late as you jumped over the gate since the gate was closed. You were about to walk into the school but noticed a red haired boy with a brown haired girl trying to get in from the wall beside the gate.

"Should i help them?"You thought

You looking at them as they struggled. You decided to help then as you climped up again, you gave them your hand for support. The brown hair girl was able to get in first then the boy.

"I don't need your help"The red haired boy said
"Boy just come in and stop being a tsundere"You said getting him up with the girl.
"Umm Thank you"The brown haired girl said.
"You are welcome"You said running towards your new classroom.

"Ema, Yusuke you are late"The teacher said
"Sorry Sensei"They said bowing as they sat down on their spots.
"Anyways class we will be having a new student this year"The teacher said

As soon you entered the class the gasps and whispers were too loud and obvious.
"So why don't you introduce yourself to the class"The teacher said.

"Hi I am Y/n L/n I was born here but I am half (nationality) and half Japanese"You said bowing
"Oh you speak Japanese very well"A student said
"I literally just said that I was born and raised here"You said.

"If you have questions for Y/n please raise your hand"The teacher said.
And man did everyone have fun questions for you like

-"Are you Beyoncé?"
- "How old are you?"
- "I like your eyeliner"
- and more and more questions.

"Wait that isn't a question"You thought
"Can I take a seat?"You asked
"Sure you can sit behind Ema"The teacher said
"Next to the window? Okay sure"You said.

You went over to your spot as you slowly dusted your skirt because of earlier. You tried to focus on the class but the teacher was really boring making you hide yourself behind Ema and sleep.

"Psss Y/n"You heard someone whispering as you woke up. You looked up to find Yusuke boy and Ema.
"Oh I overslept huh?"You said as you slowly checked if you drooled or something

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