ᴅᴇᴄɪꜱɪᴏɴꜱ xᴠɪ

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"What is it?"You ask
"Don't reply to him"Yusuke said
"Huh?"You replied
"Don't go out with him"Yusuke said
"I don't believe that it's your decision"You said

Yusuke turns to the side then back at you. You didn't think Yusuke of all people would come and kiss you. He had his hand behind your head kissing you. He wasn't a bad kisser too.

"You shouldn't go out with him"Yusuke said
"I will think about it"You said as he nods and runs off in a hurry

"What a tsundere"You thought.

You went to change your clothes thrn went to bed.
Azusa and Natsume confessed to you long ago while Kaname, Iori, Matsume, Louis and Yusuke confessed to you these days.

You wouldn't lie you were happy but it didn't mean you were going to give in that fast after what they have done. They will have to prove it to you.

Speaking of Tsubaki, Fuuto, Hikaru and Ukyo. They haven't been around these days. Ukyo and Hikaru would interact with you, treating you kind and all.

Hikaru even made you buy some new clothes. He said he wanted you to model for him so he can make more clothes for black girl like me.

"Oh shit tomorrow Ukyo's criminal case is coming to a close I need to watch it"You said sleeping early.

The Next Day

You woke up early and immediately went to get yourself ready. You found Ukyo who was in a hurry putting papers in his suitcase.

"You look rough"You said
"Y/n!, why are you awake? the schools are closed"Ukyo says.
"I was invited by my father's colleagues to watch your case unfold"You said walking to him and fixing his tie.

"Really?"Ukyo asks and you nods handing him cup of coffee
"I can drive you there"You said
"Thank you Y/n"Ukyo says as he gives you his keys and drove to the court.

You sat at the front line next to your father's colleague. You have met him three to five times in your life.

"Oh you have grown up to be a fine lady"He said
"Ahah don't flatter me Mr.Tachibana"You said
"I heard you helped Ukyo with his case once and I brought you here to think about your future since you are going to university soon"Mr.Tachibana says

"Yeah I am glad you brought me here I haven't even thought of it"You said as you watched as Ukyo and the other lawyer came at each other's throats with evidence.

The case was about a restaurant owner that was being accused of giving his customer drugs. Ukyo defended the restaurant owner as the other lawyer blamed the owner.

The owner seemed to be an old lady. You know her she was the orphanage owner. After the court was dismissed. The owner thanked Ukyo for defending her.

"Oh Y/n"She says holding your hands.
"Hi ma'am"You reply
"It's good to see you again"She says before leaving.
"Now do you have your answer"Mr. Tachibana said
"Yeah I think I do"You reply over to Ukyo.

He had a lot of ladies by his sides and all. He was smiling at them. You knew he was tired so you linked both of your arms together.

"What are you waiting for babe let's go"You said
"I will see you guys tomorrow guys"Ukyo said following you as the ladies sneered and stared at you
"Thank you Y/n"Ukyo said loosening his tie.

"Hot damn"You thought turning on the car.

Since Ukyo never rests you thought today he should have fun. Someone like him wouldn't not be interested in childish stuff. You stopped by a park.

"Why are we here?"Ukyo asks
"For a walk because you never rest"You said.
Ukyo opens his mouth to say something but stops
"Sit here"You said running toward the ice cream stall.

"Two vanilla ice cream oh can you put chocolate chips on both"You asked.
After getting the ice cream you gave one to Ukyo
"Oh how did you know I like vanilla"Ukyo ask.

"Well, i thought you liked simple stuff"You said
"Yeah I do"Ukyo replied smiling

You two ate in silence watching the kids run after each other in the park while a girl was flying a kite.
"Why?" Ukyo asks
"Why?, what?"You ask
"Why do you treat me nicely after what I have done to you and Ema"Ukyo said

"My aunt was the same she loved Ema's father but he married her and divorced her. She never hated him even tho he had met your mother by then"You said

"Does that mean you like me?"Ukyo said making you choke on the ice cream.

"That was very straightforward"You thought coughing
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you"Ukyo said
"It's fine"You said as you wiped the ice cream off your hand (it was melting)

"I believe that when I am kind it will always find a way to come back to me" You said

You didn't know but after eating your ice cream there was a small chocolate that had a paper in it.
"It's like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it"You read as your heart beats you check the back of the paper and it says "Love"

Ukyo found the chocolate and ate it but looked at you who was looking at yours. He decided to open it
"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love" it says

He looks at Y/n who he only find himself resting with her she looks at him too. Ukyo averts his eyes from yours. He puts a hand on his face. He could feel himself blushing due to his heart beating too.

"I think I like you Y/n"Ukyo blurts out
"Oh"You reply at the sudden confession
"I always find myself at peace when I am with you, you don't have to say yes I just wanted to tell you that"Ukyo said.

You looked at him and your paper. Maybe it says something you don't understand. You drive back home and took your motorbike to give someone a visit.

"Hi Emma and Hina"You said
"Oh Y/n it's good to see you"Hina says
"It's good to see you two too"You said
"Okay so what are you here for?"Emma ask

"I am in circle love I would rather it be triangle than a freaking circle"You said
"Okay chill out we are gonna help you"Hina says as you explain to her the boys falling in love with you and how you feel like a whole big weight on your shoulders.

"Well at this case I would say follow your heart I am sure there is that someone you especially love them more than the others"Hina says

"Thank you girls I think I know what my answer is bye see ya"You said running off and drove back with your motorcycle to find the boy you love the most.

To be continued

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