ꜱᴘɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴠɪɪɪ

350 16 11

The next morning

You woke up and found almost half of the boys sitting on the table.
"Hmm it seems everyone is free today"You thought

(By the way it's only one week break for something that Japan celebrates,it's about to snow by the way)

Ukyo wasn't cooking so you thought of going to get some groceries to cook breakfast but Tsubaki stops you.

"Since we are all here, how about we go out"Tsubaki says
"Not bad, we haven't had picnic as a family for so long"Masaomi adds
"Sure then make sure everyone is to come"You said

Tsubaki saluted before calling his other brothers
The boys weren't letting you cook because they have ordered what you guys are going to eat.

"Don't-, okay"Kaname said
"Y/n don't push yourself"Ema said

"Okay fine but can I make desserts tho?" You asked
Azusa, Masaomi, Subaru and Kaname were going to shake their head and you knew it so you begged
"Ugh I can't say no to that"Kaname said giving up

"Fine suit yourself"Yusuke said leaving
"Sure but can I help you?"Azusa said as Subaru also nodded
"NO absolutely NO"You said

They seemed hurt by your answer as you tried to reassure them it's not about them but you.
"It's not that I hate you two it's because as you know I get reeeeally messy and I don't want you two joining my mess"You said as Azusa smiled

"It's okay"Azusa said.
"I don't mind"Subaru said
"Okay then let's start"You said as you told them to combined things.

You were checking on the cake in oven when you got burnt on your arm by the side of the oven. You hissed in pain.

"Oh no does it hurt?"Azusa asks
"It's fine I have already experienced this, it doesn't hurt that much compared to a boiling water"You said Looking back at the cake before getting it out.
"What cake flavor should I make?" You asked

"Wataru would love chocolate since we had vanilla strawberry cake"Subaru said
"How is the chocolate cream?"You asked
"Here is it done?"Azusa asked
"Yeah and you Subaru?"You asked

You asked him to help you with the dough you made for cinnamon roll (a/n: just so you know I can cook cinnamon rolls and a cake)

"Did I make it in great shapes?"Subaru asked
"Not bad at all"You said joining him now and so did Azusa. You all putted cinnamon in the middle before rolling it then you put it in the oven closing the door and now focusing on the cake.

"Now can give me the cutter I bought last time"You said
"This?"Subaru said
"Yeah"You said cutting the cake in three again.
"You did that last time?"Azusa asks and you nod

Azusa and Subaru watched as you put the cake together putting icing over it all.
"We should use white chocolate now"You said

Azusa made some weird patterns on the cake but somehow fitted it so you didn't say anything while Subaru he put white chocolate chips and sprinkles.

"I think that will be enough"You told him
"Will you look at that"You said proudly
"It's perfect"Azusa said
"And I'm a mess"You said as they both laughed cuz they were also in a big mess.

Azusa had chocolate steins on his shirt while Subaru has cinnamon and flour on his sleeves. You three laughed as you ran towards the oven checking on the cinnamon and phew it was good.

"Now all that's left is the topping for the cinnamon roll you have it down right?"You ask Azusa and he nods You get the cinnamon out once again burning yourself. You poured the cream over it.

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