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(Louis & Iori ver)

As soon as you woke up you sent Wataru and Ema to go shopping before you all go back to your house.
You have gathered all the brothers infront of you.

You told Louis and Hikaru to sit in a different couch since they had nothing to do with this.

"Do you guys know why I called all of you"You said arms crossed in pijamas tapping on the floor with your sandals.
"I don't know but I don't like it"Tsubaki said

"Well I will make sure you love it"You said fake
smiling at him.
"What is it Y/n have my brothers done something to upset you"Masaomi asks
"Stop it Masa"You said fanning your eyes cuz you were overwhelmed.

"What are we to each other?"You asked
"Siblings"They replied

"A little birdie told me that each one of you was in a competition to get Ema's heart"You said.
"What?"Hikaru and Louis said looking at their brothers
"Disappointing right?"You said

"How could y'all do something like that?"Hikaru said looking at Ukyo and Masaomi but they were silent
"You two too?"Louis said
"Well it's obvious each one of you is in love with our sister but if you really loved her you wouldn't have done that"You said shaking your head

"If you really loved her you would have either confessed or kept it secret treating her nice like any other second male in stories"You said

"But instead you guys took action kissing her, touching her, hurting her feeling, manipulating her and using tricks to get her to notice you"You said.

Everyone was looking down in shame with nothing to say.
"Then you ask me why is it I spent the night at Natsume"You said as everyone looked at you.

"The day my parents died your father came over telling me that they need someone to adopt since Ema was alone in the house full of men like you"You said.

"I agreed and came over but what's worse is that night when we were playing truth or dare all of you were on my neck"You said
"And now you guys are back to her is this really love at this point"You added

"It's no wonder her father was worried for his daughter being with 12 big men who he knows nothing about but now that I am here. I'm not going to be the same anymore she is also my sister and my friend"You said

"As a matter of fact my cousin as well I am not related to any of you but her and I will stick with her till she gets married and for now we will not be living in that mansion for a long time because I am looking for a house where we two can live"You said

"You can't do that"Tsuabki said.

"Wow the flirty voice actor has decided to speak wasn't it you who kissed her on the couch and was stopped by Azusa"You said. Tsubaki went back to sit down.
"I thought so"you said

"Let's talk through this Y/n"Natsume said
"Natsume I like how you comforted me that day but with Ema how dare you kiss her when she was sad"You said Natsume also shut his mouth.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"Hikaru asks
"Yeah knowing how this house is I don't think I feel safe living in here not after last night but they have to prove to me that they are not what they have done especially Fuuto, Tsubaki, Natsume and Kaname"You said.

"I brought groceries did something happen?"Ema asks seeing how eveyone is gathered.
"Nothing go to the kitchen there is something I wanna show you"You fake smiled.
"Okay come with me Wataru"Ema said.

"What is worse is that I feel sorry for myself have y'all even thought of how y'all made me feel like shit, i almost hated Ema for being loved by eveyone but that wasn't her fault she is just perfect while y'all used me to get her, you don't think I know what you did when you asked me to cook the cake Ukyo?"You asked

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