Part 1

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                                                                                        y/n POV 

Draco and I have been dating ever since 3rd year, he was the first person I had ever  loved. It was a Friday afternoon, Pansy and I were in the bathroom because I wasn't feeling so well . 

I was throwing up a lot today I don't know why tho and I haven't gotten my period sense last month. Pansy: " y/n I think we need to take you to the hospital wing "  I nodded and we both went to the hospital wing .

Madam Pomfrey: " Girls what are you doing here shouldn't you be in diner right now" 

Pansy: " Yes Madam Pomfrey, but y/n isn't feeling good she has through up like 10 time today"

Madam Pomfrey nodded and pointed to the bed , so I went and laid down. 

Madam Pomfrey: " ok I will be asking you questions and you have to be honest ok" I nodded. 

Madam Pomfrey: " have you been sexually active lately and I want you to be honest" 

y/n: " yeah I have been." I said looking down at my shoes cause, of how embarrassed I am right now.

Madam Pomfrey: "Ok well I want you to pee in this cup ok, go to the loo" I got up and did what I had to do, I gave my cup to Madam Pomfrey . 

About 30 minutes later she came back with the biggest simile in the world , Pansy: " so what's wrong with her" . 

Madam Pomfrey: " nothing is wrong,  it's just  that you're  pregnant darling congratulations".At that moment I felt everything had stopped,  how was Draco going to react to this? I mean we do talk about having kids but I don't know . 

Pansy: "Are you ok y/n"

 y/n: " I'm fine Pansy can we just got back to my room" she nodes and we leave to my room . 

I still couldn't believe I'm pregnant with the kid  of the love my life but what if Draco doesn't want it ? What if he leaves me ? 

I finally decided to tell him when I was about to get out of  my room Draco was there . 

Draco : " we need to talk" I nodded he took me to his room after we got there I sat on the bed and he was still standing in front of me . 

Y/n: " I have to tell you something but you go first" he nodded and took a deep breath Draco : "ok  we'll umm we need to Break up." When he said that I felt like someone just shot me, in the heart.

Draco: " I am getting married to Astoria, I am so sorry I didn't mean this to happen  . Also please don't try to find me we should both move on" he said as he looked at me in my eyes he saw the pain.But he's the one who caused it, I couldn't show him he affected me. He didn't have to know how much it hurt me when those words came out of his mouth. 

Y/n: " fine but you're  going to regret that one day, Trust me there will be no going back in time, for you to fix what you just did to me . I gave all my love to you, was that not enough for you! I will never forgive you, Mark My Words Malfoy" I was trying to not cry, So all I did was leave the room as fast as I can. I didn't want to see him I couldn't.

Ones I did I locked myself in my room and I started to think about everything. About how I was going to be a single mother, how I was going to make sure my baby never need a father like Draco. I was going to move on and give my baby the life he deserves.I didn't care the fact he wont know his a father, cause he's the one who left. 

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