Part 2

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                                                                -     Y/N POV     -


After I left that day , I never spoke to Draco I was about to tell him I was pregnant but that went perfectly right ! I went through a lot during that time having to deal with a baby. 

Thats why I didn't attend school well I was still in school but I didn't attend them I still did my homework and all but I was in a room and I could only get out of the room if I needed to see Madam Pomfrey. 

The only one there for me that wasn't Pansy and Blaise was Theo even though he new the kid was Draco's her was still there for me . when I had my cravings when my stomach hurt. 

He asked me to be his girlfriend on my third trimester I said yes because I mean Draco had moved on why shouldn't I . I shouldn't be stuck in the pass waiting for him to maybe one day come back . 

 But deep down I new I still loved him even if he left me I still felt love for him , I will always he was my First love my first everything. 

Theo and I would talk about what will happen to us in the future he wanted to go live in his manor that has been passed down to all the Notts . Were the kids can run he wants two kid one girl one boy . 

I gave birth to scorpio one October 23 in 7th year well me and Theo had to leave because one for scorpio and also there we're death eaters everywhere in the school . 

Theo always considered scorpio as his own son ,no matter what Theo was there for scorpio we took great care of him until on May 2 he went missing . 

Theo and I were sleeping the crib was right next to us . we were sleeping safe because we though that scorpio was in thee crib well that's what we thought . 

I went crazy tryin to find him but nothing my little boy was gone I would cry all day with pictures of him . 

Theo and I participated in the battle of Hogwarts because we know that a death eater took our son we just know it . But after all that Theo asked me to marry him I said yes , I still remember how he asked me we were on a boat when we stoped and then there he asked me . 

I know it's weird but that's why I love him , It wasn't a big wedding but it was something we were still receiving from losing our son scorpio. But we ended up having twins Bella and Lorenzo just like we wanted during our little honeymoon . 

we still had all the pictures of scorpio on the walls every were we would tell the kids about him and how he would be there big brother, also how one day we will find him . Now our kids are 6  and scorpio is  12 right now were ever he is . 

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