When he sees you with another man and admits it was a mistake to leave you.

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((A/N: This is a while later soo... Yeah))
You had finally accepted the fact that, well, he wasn't coming back. You had finally gotten out of the woods and away from home. You met a guy, you two were just friends, in your opinion at least. You invited him over since you got tired of meeting up at the café downtown.

You heard the doorbell ring and you yelled for them to come in. "You really shouldn't do that (Y/N), I could have been a killer!" He screams like a girl, trying to make you laugh. You rolled your eyes playfully. You two watched a few movies, but then something happened.........

He had started trying to kiss you and he completely overpowered you. You ended up pinned to the floor, being forced to kiss him. You tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong. You felt a tendril snake around you and pull him off.

You looked up and saw Slenderman. He held you tight. "I-I shouldn't have left you (Y/N), if you don't want me back, I can accept that and understand that." You smiled softly. "Don't be silly, of course I want you back!" You hugged him tightly.

"I love you, my dear (Y/N)..." He whispered in your ear. "I love you too, my sweet Slenderman..."
Jeff walked into the mansion with Smile dog late one night. Smile started yipping and howling. "Smile, (Y/N) isn't here... Remember?" I happened to be throwing a party and invited you. "Hey Jeff! Come over here and play with us! We're playing 7 minutes in heaven at the moment!" He walked over. "I guess."

Smile started pawing at the closet, whimpering. Jeff made smile sit down. As the 7 minutes were up you and Liu came out of the closet. He was a deep scarlet and so were you. Jeff went over and kneed his brother in the gut before hugging you.

"(Y-(Y/N)! I missed you so much. I can't believe I left you. I was so stupid. Could you find it in here," He poked your chest where your heart is. "To forgive this creature?" He pointed at himself.

You nodded and hugged him tightly.
"I love you so much, my beautiful (Y/N)..." You kissed him softly before saying. "I love you too, Smile Child." You missed teasing him.
You were playing (Favorite Video Game) with you neighbor in your room. He liked you, but you liked him as a friend. He has been your best friend since you were kids.

He and you were messing around, bumping into each other to make them mess up and stuff like that. You were taking a break and he hugged you, burying his face into your neck. I had finally convinced BEN to come over and admit his mistake.

We were walking up your bedroom door when we heard you yell. "STOP! GET OFF (G/F/N)!" BEN burst in and yanked him off you. You wiped off your neck. I dragged him out scolding him. "You better stay in the friend zone. Bad (G/F/N), you belong in the friend zone of (Y/N)'s!"

BEN hugged you tight. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean for this to happen and--" You cut him off by kissing him. He started kissing you back. You pulled away. "It's fine. I love you Elf Boy." You smiled. He chuckled. "I love you too Princess (Y/N)."

"We ship it!" Me and Darkness yelled and started running and flailing our arms around with a face like: •3•
You still haven't gotten over Eyeless Jack. You were crying wishing that you could see him again. He climbed into your window and saw you crying. He walked in slowly heading closer. He heard footsteps so he hid in your closet with the door cracked.

A boy walked in. "You alright..?" He asked softly. He brushed a hair away from your face. "I-I'm," You sniffled. "Fine." He bent down and kissed your forehead. "Alright. Goodnight (Y/N)."
You smiled weakly. "Night." This made Eyeless upset.

When he left Eyeless Jack came out. He sound hurt and sad although he was trying to sound angry. "Who was that?" He asked, a black tear forming. You turned around. "J-Jack?!" Your eyes widened. He crossed his arms. "Who. Was. That?"

You made room for him. "T-That's my brother!" He sat down next to you. "Oh, good." He hugged you. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I act, and for leaving you..." You hugged him back. "I'll forgive you if you lay with me and stay here." He chuckled.

He laid there with you. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You said lifting his mask and kissing him gently.
You had been cuddling with your best guy friend when you heard someone coming in downstairs. You ignored it and laid there, all cuddled up with (G/F/N). You yawned softly, causing him to smile and stroke your head. You chuckled.

You later heard that person leaving, but another person entering through the back. You rolled over facing the window and he pulled you into his chest before wrapping a arm around your waist. He kissed the back of your head, in order to comfort you.

You laid your arm on top of his and he smiled before laying his chin gently on your head. Offender had walked in after a while and picked him up with a tendril and shooing him away. He then laid with you. He got close to your ear. "It's me love.~" he whispered.

This caused you to roll over and see 'Johnny'. You giggled. He turned back to himself. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I shouldn't have left. I realized that I'm just a big idiot." You smiled and kissed him. "You may be a big idiot, but your my big idiot." This made him chuckle.

"Yes I am, I love you my sweet little rose." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you too Smexy." You kissed him gently.

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