When he has a nightmare about you.

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(A/N: in his PoV)

I was walking in the forest. More like I was watching myself walk through the forest. I saw a girl with hair like (Y/N)'s collecting the pages. The other me was stalking her and his shadow casted over her. She turned around. It was (Y/N)! The other Slenderman picked her up and tore off her fingers, then hands, then toes, then feet, then arms, then legs, I wished it would end! He started playing with the now detached limbs. I watched in horror. As soon as it was about to get worse I woke up. Maybe it was a sign...
I was in my old house. It was like how it was before. I heard screams from my room. I ran towards the end of the hall but it looked like it was growing. I had to find out what was happening! The screams stopped and the door was now thrown infront of me. Everything now looked abandoned. I slowly opened the door and saw me. Now me, not the before me. "Look what you did Jeffery..." He motioned to (Y/N)'a dead body. I screamed. "N-No! I w-wouldn't!!" I ran to her, holding her corpse. The other Jeff walked over. "Oh but you did..." His voice and hers both swimming in my head saying those words over and over. I woke up. Maybe it was a sign.
I saw (y/n) with Link. He started kissing her. I felt anger bubble up inside me. I watched as thing moved more and more slowly. As soon as Link started unbuttoning her shirt I lunged at him with my sword. "You shouldn't have done that..." I said this right before decapitating him. "And as for you..." I turned to her chuckling darkly. "...you've met with a terrible fate haven't you, dear (Y/N)?" I swung my sword at her slicing her throat since she tried to jump back. I stabbed her repeatedly. I woke up then. Maybe it was a sign...
Eyeless Jack

I was standing by the pool facing it. (Y/N) pushed me and I got mad. But then everything went third person view. The me smirked evilly and held (Y/N) under! No!! She passed out from lack of oxygen. Then the Jack started taking her organs and eating them. I tried screaming. I couldn't. It was like a movie the characters can't her you or see you, but I couldn't see or hear myself either. I tried forever to do something. I woke up. Maybe it was a sign...
Offender (A/N: This May get lemony but short. Outta ideas)

In third person I walked up to (Y/N). I tore her clothes off and started rubbing her. I tried looking away. I wanted to save this moment for real life. I started to thrust my fingers into her. I saw her get out of my grip. The other me's facae reddened in anger and shoved his tendril through her body, killing (Y/N). No!! I woke up. Maybe it was a sign.

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