When he confesses he loves you.

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"Um slender?" You and slender were at your house with his brother who fount you a dress...from the 80's. (A/N: I learned they were brothers so deal with it. Thanks cx ) Trender was straightening the dress out.

"(Y/n)? why are you dressing up?" Slender asked. You shook your head. You explained for the 60th time you were going on a double date. He 'frowned'. 'I don't even want to go.' You thought. He stared into your eyes with his non-existent eyes. "Then why are you going?" he read you thoughts and you growled at him. "I wanted to see the new movie. It's the South Park one!!" You were excited. "Trender get her some grey skinny jeans that fade into blue, dark blue, a black shirt, And a thin grey over shirt, also get some black boots with tassels." Trender just nodded and came back. He braided your (h/l) (h/c) bangs to fade into normal straight hair and slipped in a rose that complimented you (e/c) eyes and you looked in the mirror.

Slender sighed and walked to you. His brother splendor came in. Did I mention that the guy who (best friends name) set you up with liked hurting little girls? Yeah he did. Splendor was coated in fresh blood and it was getting all over the WHITE carpet! You made Splendor wash up. You cleaned the blood out and asked what that was about. Slender broke into a nervous sweat.

"You will need a new date, um I also stalked your date. Splendor was with me a few days ago. And he wanted to meet the kid," Slender wiped sweat from his forehead. "Your date was beating a little girl so Splendor killed him." Slender admitted. You weren't mad just shocked Splendor killed someone. "But, (y/n) I didn't want you going with him. I like you. As in-" you cut him off. "Aw Slender I like you too." You took him in replacement of your date and you slender and you best friend and his/her date had the whole theater to yourselves.


Eyeless Jack

"WHAT?! AM I NOT PRETTY ENOUGH TO BE SEEN WITH A GUY?!" You were yelling at no one in particular but your date just blew you off and your best friend was about to say something until your date ran up to you. Ej was running to you from the other side. "(Y/N)!" they both called. Your date got to you and Ej stopped in his tracks.

"What!?" You yelled at him and he punched you making you get a gushing nosebleed. "HAHA I WANTED TO DO THAT SOOOO BADLY CAUSE YOUR SO FUKING-" before he finished Ej beat him to death. Literally. You just took the tissue from (BFF/N). "Oops I killed him. Sorry (y/n). I just couldn't stand to see the love of my life get hit..." You kissed his mask where his lips would be, and blushed. "Thanks Ej I just like you too, like love you. Hehe." He replaced your date. And lets say Outback was amazing!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff the Killer

You were at the fountain waiting for your date. He appeared with two of his buddies. "Hey, sexy!" his one friend called. "Mmm I'd tap that!" Said his other buddy. "You said it'd be only us!"

You said he calmly replied. "Aw c'mon they need a decent meal!" you sighed being a kid person and all. "fine just a couple." He nodded and whistled as he rubbed his hands together. "Lets eat!" He knocked the basket out of your hand. "That was the food!" You growled.

He laughed an so did his friends. "That's not the food!" he said while ripping your shirt off after two tugs. His buddies tore your skirt off by splitting it in the middle. "Help!!! Rape!!!!!" You yelled and they shoved you down and tore off your undergarments. You yelled again but before you could yell rape yet again blood splattered on your naked body and there stood Jeff.

He laughed and handed you his hoodie. You threw it on after putting on your (f/c) bra and panties. You put on his hoodie making it look like you were wearing short shorts underneath. He took you home. He laid you down on the couch and while you 'slept' he whispered. "I love you, (y/n)." You giggled and replied that you loved him too he just kissed your forehead. He left.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEN Drowned

BEN took you home from the hospital today. He was singing The Duck Song. You giggled but then hunched over and groaned, holding the wound lightly. "BEN! watch the road!!!!" You yelled feeling his eyes on you. You cried a little and got home so BEN could change the wound. "There, there." BEN said finishing the bandage. He asked if you believed in love and he did. You just asked one question. "BEN why are you asking me?" he just smiled.

"Because I love You!" he said blushing. You kissed his cheek to show you loved him too. That caused him to look like a tomato.

"Well, we can play video games?" you suggested breaking the long silence. That's how you spent your day.


Thanks um leave a suggestion please ill add people but not dark link cause well you'll see later on. 😊 Thanks! •iKatiii

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