When he gets jelly.

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Thanks to @Toxic_Nutella we have a story part! Woo!!



You were at a restaurant and well lets say the waiter was a guy. Who's desperate. But hot. Still desperate though.

Slender was in the bath room. And the waiter started talking to you. "Hi. Here alone?" he asked. "Cause I wanna tap dat. Mmhm. Thrusting so hard. Yeah mm!" You saw slender behind him and he looked and gasped. "Take your whore. Ya white tall shit bag. Get a life. You're just too dumb to understand this slut. Am I right ya fa-" You ran out after slender. He was tearing him to shreds.

You knew the night was over and got two doggie bags with what was left of his food and your whole meal.


Eyeless Jack

You were out and you were walking home alone. Jack was stalking you (A/N: Creeper alert!). He killed a bunch of people today and offered you a kidney. You politely said no.

You were at a restaurant eating with an old friend. He was your kindergarten friend. He offered you some food you didn't know what it was, but you gladly tried some and you looked at the time and excused yourself and he said he'll walk you home. He paid the bill and walked you home. A chicken was crossing the road from the nearby chicken farm. "Oh boy so I have a question for you!" you laughed while he replied with "What is it?" you giggled.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" You

asked he chuckled and replied still laughing. "Well maybe to escape the butcher." You laughed. He waved by as you walked into your house.

Jack was out killing again so you decided to call (B/BFF/N). And someone answered it was him and you two talked for a while and someone broke into his house. He hung up on you. A while later when jack came back you tried calling again.

Lets say he never answered a phone again.


Jeff the killer

You were at Justice/Starbucks while you and Jeff were sitting there and an employee walked up to you. Your old friend (guy name)! You didn't low a lot but you knew you were flirting, but it sucked. "Hey. (G/n) you are a fine guy! If you were a potato you'd be a fine potato!" Jeff grew angry as he flirted back.

You laughed as he went back to the restrooms and storage area. Jeff said he had to piss. He went and talked to (g/n). He returned in fresh blood said that the two of you weren't welcome here. He grabbed you bridal style and left.

Later on you called (g/n). Jeff was killing and you heard someone pick up. "Sorry, (G/N) had to ummm...... GO. TO. SLEEP." You knew it was Jeff and what he did. 'Typical!' You thought.


BEN drowned

You were playing LoZ and trying to beat dark. But unlike last night dark was gone. As in like never in the game. You shook the console then it glitched up. Darkness was with a girl from your school who ditched you. It was Katiii and you knew it and realized that's why she blew you off. (A/N:I told you I'd be in the story!). You just got randomly pulled into the tv with Katiii and dark. BEN was coming over with a surprise and after an hour he picked it up.

He burst into your room with a box with holes and a animal inside and he saw Darkness kiss your hand. BEN decided to put the animal in a cage he bought. He stalked you and Dark and I. Dark sat you at a table an I sat across the table in front of the next seat. BEN saw Dark sit next to you. His hat fell off and he whipped out his sword and walked out. He was mad. Dark did the same. "LINK!" BEN stared in confusion as his eyes turned to black with the red iris and normal. Dark laughed and said, "Sorry BEN sit next to Katiii, my girlfriend I'll be back." He arrived after two minutes with two spaghetti plates and BEN laughed and apologized for getting jealous. You enjoyed our meal.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hope you liked it guys. Should I have a nickname for my readers?



Vote and anyone can be added but dark. He's my bitch!

Dark: Say that again babe~

Me: No -laughs punching him playfully-

Dark: fi- LINK!!!! -chases link-

Me: 😆 just haha! Leave suggestions and ill add people haha! -rolls on floor laughing my ass of while eating cookie-

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