When he saves you

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He was correct you did see him soon only because you were being chased by a man who was robbing you house. Of course he was yelling things that you didn't want to hear. You left him far behind and heard a ripping noise. You stood frozen then slender teleported to you covered in his blood.

"..." You were shocked this gentle giant would kill a man. 'But then again he was slender' you thought 'what should you expect.' Slender 'frowned' but you shrugged off the thought and hugged him saying thank you. 'I wonder why he did that?' You wondered. "No reason at all." Slender replied to your thought. "Slender how did you know my name?" you released out of the awkwardly long hug. "Umm you had this on yesterday..." he pointed at your name tag for school/work. "I see I have a uniform so this is the girls. Like it?" You twirled modeling. "Yes I do, don't you think you mom and/or dad is worried?" he asked. You shrugged. He teleported you home and you asked him to stay because you were scared. You were because you just got robbed and almost raped. Who wouldn't be? Slender pulled out your favorite board game, (enter favorite board game here). you played that for hours always beating him on every game. You grew tired and he tucked you in and hid in the shadows. Once you fell asleep he left to hide in the woods.


Eyeless Jack

"Mooooom!" you complained. "Get a real job!" Your mom was trying to make you get her supplies. "C'mon I only need condoms, lube and strawberries!!" she yelled. 'Ew!' you thought. "DON'T BE A PUSSY JYST DO IT AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU RETURN WITH WHAT I NEED!" She yelled pushing you on the cold concrete outside. You slowly walked to the 24/7 Pharmacy&Shoppe down about 4 miles. It was awful to be out late.

When you arrived they were about to close and you rushed in quickly grabbing what you need. You explained to the elderly woman who was scolding you for buying this, that it was for your mom. She just nodded and sent you on your way with a bag. You walked home but someone was following you. About 3 people you could hear the 6 feet. You speed up to a power walk and they started to run. You ran about 2x as fast to escape. You turned to soon ending in the ally. It was a dead end. So you waited for everything to happen.

You heard the men scream and then some one who wasn't as big rush to you. "E-Eyless Jack?!" He ran to you and when he pulled away. he saw The bag and frowned at the fact you were with another guy, AND you were having sex. "What's that?" he asked. "Moms "work" tools." He sighed. You weren't having sex but he still thought you had a boyfriend but you explain you haven't fount anyone who didn't laugh about you life and you told the story you tell every guy. You waited for him to laugh but he didn't. You guys arrived at your house and you waved bye.


Jeff the killer

You were walking home from school. It was eclipse so it was dark. You just sighed. As you walked you kicked pebbles and walked to the lake in the nearby woods, and sat down bending over to smell a flower that fell Into the water. Someone pushed you head in and tied concrete blocks on your feet. They pushed you in. You stayed calm. Holding you breath and you in defeat, accidentally sighed trying to get the air bubbles back the person shoved you down farther. You heard a muffled scream. You felt cold metal in between your ankle and the rope and it happened with the other ankle.

You were dragged onto the grass. "Thank *cough* you. JEFF?!?!" He stood up soaked. "Yeah you okay." He said. "Yah. Why are you here?" He shrugged. " Lets get you home." He threw you over his shoulder and took you home.


BEN Drowned

You researched Ben drowned but nothing cane up so you tried BEN D. What came up was a suggestion of what you were typing and you clicked BEN Drowned. Before you could do anything your ex burst in and stabbed you multiple times as he looked at you computer cleverbot came up. 'You shouldn't have done that (ex's name).' He turned and BEN was there. He walked him to his house and killed him. He came through his tv to yours. "(Y/N)!!" He ran over to you after calling the ambulance. He whispered every thing will be okay multiple times while putting in a temporary bandage. He brought your laptop. You read his story when he left the hospital.


(A/N: please suggest what I could do next!)

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