When you catch him jacking off

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You came home from school-or work- and walked inside the slender mansion to see Slender. You looked everywhere and bumped into Sally. You heard her sniffle.

"What's wrong Sally?" you asked politely. "S-Slendy locked h-himself in hi-his room!" she sniffled out the words. You thought this was cute. "Why do you need Slender?" She stands straight. "There's a important meeting on the 2nd floor and in the 15th room on the left in the 4th hallway!Slender and you have to be there!" she screamed. You giggled and went to the 3rd floor where the boys rooms were and you traveled down the hallway past 50 rooms. You tried opening the door. "Sally! Not now!!" Slender yelled. You were mad enough so you were going to kicking down Slenders door after a quick breath. He was jacking off and you just realized that. "U-Um hello (Y/N)!" he blushed darkly. You let him finish then dragged him out to Sally's room for the 'meeting'.


Jeff the (a/n:Pervert!!!! Jeff: GOOD DAMN IT KATIII. *chases me* me:HAHA IM IN DA YARD!!! Smile *whispers-When I tell Jeff my milkshake does bring boys to da yard attack* smile: Arf!(okay!) Jeff: HAHA GOT YA NOW!! Me:Hehe so my milkshake does bring boys da yard! Smile: Arf!!!!!Arf!!!*bites Jeff and chases him* Jeff: HEEEELP!! Me: here's Jeff the killers story!!oh and it won't let me undo this on my device so yeah. I tried but no. Oh well I'll try fixing it in BENs!)

You were at home and Jeff was killing. You decided to go shopping. You were in a hurry. You walked off thinking Jeff would be home soon. You spent 10 rushed minutes there and didn't bother to run home with the 20 bags you had. You took the food home and Jeff wasn't there so you were worried. You ran all over the city looking for him you thought you saw his black pants but it was a hobos dark dark blue pants in the dark. You decided what the hell look at his old house. When you arrived you called out to Jeff. No answer. Again you called out this time on the second floor. Still no answer you knew there was still plumbing and running water and you had to go. Bad. You walked in and Jeff was jacking off. You blushed so did he.

"Sorry!" you said running out. Jeff finished and went home to a cooked dinner.


BEN Drowned

You told BEN to watch the house because you were going to a friends party for about 4 hours. You got kick out as soon as you got there because the 'friend' kicked you out. You went home and BEN was jacking off.

(A/N:Sorry it's short. Ill try and make dis better dont hurt me. ;-;)


Eyeless jack

You were at a night club with jack for his birthday and well he excused himself to use the restroom. You waited 20 minutes. 'He's constipated don't worry (Y/N).' you thought. You waited another 10 minutes and burst in and you saw Jack yelling at a guy who was trying to kick his stall door down. A new stall opened and he rushed to it. You were hiding and of course it's because your in a men's room. You kicked his stall door. "Stop dude!!" he yelled. You opened the stall because it didn't move in it pulled outward and the lock was broken. Jack was jacking off. (A/N:Hehe Jack-ing off? Jack was Jack-ing off? no okai. *forever alone*)



You were walking into the store with Offender and after about 10 minutes he went to the men's room. You bought what you needed and hurried around the store before any one could buy the free stuff you shoved it all in your cart. You were at checkout and well you took the stuff to the car locking it in. You ran into the store and walked into the men's room. You peeped though Offender's stall,who was Johnny in public, and just walked out and waited in the car because well he was jacking off.


Well thanks for reading. Being a girl this was awkward. But oh well it's for you. Your welcome. This was weird but fun ill do anything.

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