- CHAPTER 19 -

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"Your songs doing great y/n!!" Zendaya says looking up from the phone. "I'm so fucking nervous I haven't even seen the charts!!! " Y/n paces her room nervously. "Woah!!! " Daisy suddenly says staring at her phone. "Tom look!!" She taps him on the thighs. He peers on the phone and his eyes go wide. "What is it?" Zendaya walks to the bed where Tom and Daisy stared at the phone. "Y/n!! Oh my god!!! " Zendaya squeals. The three of them look up at y/n who stood freezed on her spot. "Is it bad?" She asks biting her nails. "Are you kidding me? Your song debuted on number 2 on billboards 100."

"What!!! Wait you aren't joking right? " Y/n yelps hyper actively. "Y/n fucking look at the screen for once. " Daisy shakes her. Y/n glances down at the screen going through each and every word she could read but her heart crushed a little seeing the number one song. Only if...

She was happy for her friend, but circumstances and the reason why the song was out were wrong. If it wasn't for it y/n would have been on the top. The best even. She never liked being the second best. Without even looking at her song or her name on the chart she shuts the phone off angrily.

All this time she had been nothing but nice to Olivia and in return Olivia took away something y/n had always wanted and for what revenge. Revenge over something Y/n had nothing to do with at the first place.

"Can I have a minute to myself please?" She says pinching the bridge if her nose. "Yeah sure!! " The three say in unison. Y/n takes her phone and stares at the chart for a few more minutes. She had been receiving congratulations from friends and family back home. She ignored all the messages and scrolled down to the name that was with no messages for the past days.


Asher 😇🥺

Asher I swear to God!!
Please just answer
my fucking texts
Don't leave me on read
this is frustrating !!! 😔

You know what's frustrating

Are you mad at me for....
meeting with Joshua??😕

Yes I am!!

Asher!! Oh my god!!
Josh is just a FRIEND nthg else
I don't believe you doubted me!!

Yes I knew you'd say that
Olivia told me every thing

And you believe her over
your own girlfriend? 🤷🏼‍♀️

She was pretty convincing,
with all the photo proofs

And you thought it was true
Not once did you think you should
Ask me?? Not once Asher?

You tell me then y/n
Why would you go meet Joshua
When you know he broke your
own best friends heart???

I went because he was in need of a friend
And all his friends had sided with Olivia
for some reason.
If you know me any better
Asher, you'd know
I don't judge ppl based on
One sided stories.

Don't you think what you just said
Gives you an answer itself.
All the friends sided with Olivia
For some reason don't you think??
Maybe he is wrong y/n!!

If only you knew
his side of the story!! 🙄
If I could I would have explained it,
but it seems completely
senseless to explain it to you.

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