- CHAPTER 39 -

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 Y/N walked on her set as everybody around her frantically ran around. She caught one of the crew members and asked what was the hurry about. "Y/N hurry to dress and makeup," He says. "I was hurrying there only." She answers. "Good. The director is in a temper today," he adds further. "Oh ok. I better go then." Y/n runs to her vanity. She quickly changes into her costume and gets ready for her scene. 

"Everybody, hurry up. We are behind schedule. Y/n if you want to go to America for your premiere, you better give me the best here." The Director shouts. "Sure." Y/n flinches at his raised voice and stands at her mark. "He and his wife had a fight, a huge one." Millie joins her on the set. "I wonder why?" Noah rolls his eyes. 

"Mills where are Louis and Finn?" she asks. "Finn doesn't have a scene today. Louis in his trailer. Next scene with you." Millie answers. "Everything ok?" She adds. "Nah, he hasn't spoken to me since the beach thing." y/n speaks, "Oh don't worry he's just awkward when it comes to talking to people he likes," Millie smirks.   

After we finish shooting the scene, Louis walks up to me from his trailer. "Hey so I don't know if you read through the script but..." Louisa starts speaking. "There is a kiss in between I know. I'm a professional Louis, don't worry. It'll be a stage kiss."  Y/n smiles. "Hey Louis, can I borrow her for a second?" Millie links her hand and drags me to the side without an answer from him. 

"What are you doing? Are you seriously going to let your first kiss with Louis be a stage kiss?" Millie frowns. 

"Wha- I don't want him to be awkward." Y/n looks at her. 

"It won't be." Millie stomps. 

"It will, don't make a huge deal of this. It's fine." y/n says getting back to the tent. 


"They don't care David. They only care if I am the popular girl at school. My mom wants me to be like her. She wants me to try out for cheer, she wants you to try out for rugby. So we become the popular high school sweetheart. Like her and dad. I don't want to do that." She breaks down covering her face with her hands. "Anna!! I didn't know your mom was forcing you with all this. I'll talk to her. I know she'll listen to me." He takes her hand and pulls her closer.  

"We'll get through this together." David tilts her head up. "We will?" Anna questions. "We will." He brushes her hair aside. he leans forward to kiss her. She closes her eyes and gives in. His hand moves to the small of her back and pulls her closer. One hand on the cheek. David kisses her softly. Anna leans into it and kisses him back. The soft and tender kiss turns passionate. Anna tangles her hand in his hair and moves back so she leans against the wall. 

"CUT!!" the director yells but none of the two actors on the set listens and continues.  "I Said CUT!" the director yells again. This time reaching the ears of both Y/N and Louis. They both broke the kiss, Y/n looked at Louis, who looked at her shockingly. 

"What was that?" she whispered shouts him.

"I don't know." Louis looks at her, this time guiltily. 

"Take a five, and be back here." The director says. 

Y/n runs to her trailer and grabs her phone. Dialling Daisy, she tells her everything that happened.  "You kissed Louis?" harry's voice booms over. "Harold Holland, this is a private conversation," I shout at him through the phone. "Oh please, like there is something I don't know."  harry teases her. 

A knock startles her. "I'll talk to you later." She says disconnecting the call. "Y/n, Richard here," he shouts from outside. "Come in." She shouts from the inside. "Are you ok? That was intense." He speaks.  "It was nothing. It was just a kiss, Richard, why is everybody making a big deal?" Y/n flops on her couch. "Because it is a big deal. You kept going after the cut. You liked it." he laughs. I grab the nearest water bottle throwing it at him. "Get out." I smile. 

After Richard was out Louis entered the trailer and Y/n gets to her feet. "I'm sorry," Louis says holding a hand up. Y/n crosses her space and kisses him again, this time more passionately. He pulls her closer, leading her back to the couch. She stops for a second and lets him sit on the couch, getting on top of him she starts kissing him again. "I like you Louis and I know you like me too. You aren't really a good hider. You are too obvious. I know you need time, I'm ready to wait, I've always hurried and I am really ready to wait this time. You make me want to wait for you, Louis Partridge." She smiles against his lips. "You don't have to. I like you too Y/n. I was clearly an idiot that day, I didn't know how to answer you. I was scared and confused and shocked." He holds her closer. "So this is happening? Oh my god." She smiles, her perfect teeth showing. "This is happening," Louis pulls her into another kiss. 

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