- CHAPTER 21 -

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"Rhodey take Cap." Tony instructs. "Two in the terminal Wilson and Barnes." Rhodey says. "Barnes is mine!! " Black Panther announces before running towards the terminal.

Captian throws his sheild in the air towards War machine. Hitting it and slowing him down. The now conscious Spider Man then coms Tony. "Hey Mr. Strak what should I do!! " He ask. "What we discussed.Keep your distance. Web them up. " Tony shouts. "Okay copy that!! "

"Keep up Astral!! They are right ahead!! " Tony yells through the bullet sounds. "Oh you don't wanna see my fast sir!!" She voices seriously . "I actually do!! I'll block, you attack if necessary!! " He says before flying right in front of Wanda and Clint.

"Wanda I think you've hurt Visions feeling!! " Tony says sarcastically. "You locked me in my room. " Wanda accuses him. "First it's exaggeration, second , i did it to protect you. Hey Clint!! " He turns towards him. "Hey man!!"  

"Clearly, Retirement doesn't suit you. Tired of shooting golf? " Tony asks. "Well I played 18 , shot 18 this can't seem to miss. " He says before shooting an arrow. " Meh first time for everything!!" Tony teases. "Made you look!! " Clint smirks. A car comes dashing towards Tony as Wanda uses her magic.

"Astral!! Anytime now!! You're help is needed. " He announces as cars come flying from the parking building. "A second hold on!! " She concentrated and held them up for him to escape. "Faster sir!! " She says trying to control Wanda's power. "What the..? " Wanda looks behind to see Astral. Astral let's the car fall to the ground when she sees no Tony in there. "How is it possible? " Wanda looks confused.

"Everything is possible Darling!! Only if you stayed home we could have been great friends." Astral says motioning  a flick towards Clint which sent him flying far away. "Never liked arrows mister." She says. "You're very young!!  This is not a child's play!! " Wanda says forming a ball of energy between her hands. "I'm not a child. " Astral replies angrily. "You surely look like one. " Wanda smiles. "Are we going to fight or not? " Astral asks. "A fighter I see. " Wanda sends the red glowing ball of energy towards Astral who consumes it as if nothing but makes it even bigger blue ball and disperses it in the surrounding making everything around her crumble to dust.

"This can't be true!! Evey last one of you is dead!! " Wanda says. "Yet you see me standing here. On my own two feet. Standing and breathing like a human should. Wanda, you don't know me for a long time but Mr. Stark has told me everything. Barnes is a murderer. You are siding with a murderer. Don't do this. You and I both can do so much with these powers let's not fight each other. Please. " Astral tries to make Wanda understand. "I can't, Tony locked me up!! " Wanda speaks. "Are you going to fight for a murderer because Tony locked you up? Wanda our powers are nothing like those fighting here. ... " "Clint no!! " Wanda screams as an arrow strikes Astral's back electrocuting her. She falls to the ground in pain. "When I said... I hated Arrows I meant it.. " She says pulling it out of her skin.

"Come one Wanda!! That will slow her down!! " Clint pulls Wanda and starts running. "Aghhh!! " Astral lets out a groan before healing the burnt skin. "Astral!! Help!! " She hears her brothers voice. She looks up to see him flying away, a drone pulling him. She concentrates on the drone before smashing it to the walls behind her and letting Peter fall down. She cushions his fall with her powers. "Thanks for that!! " Peter smiles. "Oh that Arrow guy is so not going home unharmed. " She chases after the path Clint and Wanda had taken. Spider Man on her trail.. They see the two teams at the opposite side. Captian's team comes running towards them before stopping as Vision obstructs rhe path with his mind stone.

"Surrender now!! " Vision states. "Is that a 15 year old you have by your side? " Falcon asks pointing at Astral. "Yes you have a problem? " Tony asks. "Can she really fight? " He asks again. "Ask me again when I wipe the ground with your ass old man!!" Astral curses. "Ooh she barks!! " Falcon smirks. "I wouldn't say that if i were you. " Wanda says to Falcon.

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